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<br /> , . <br /> Minutea of Regular Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 31, 1983 <br /> Pa.e Three <br /> In diacuaaion of feea, Mulcahy auggeated that a fee be adopted <br /> wbich will cover actual City expensea; feela the administrative <br /> fee of 1% of allount financed ($15,000/3 projecta) ia an <br /> "extraction". <br /> Deana explained that feea ahould not be baaed on the aize of <br /> the iaaue; fees should insure cove rage of snticipated expenses <br /> by the City, poasibly $5,000 plua an additional refundable allount; <br /> may not need an adminiatrative fee; explained it is a policy <br /> deciaion - to make money fo r the Ci ty , or to cover City'a coata. <br /> . Hicka moved, aecondeel by Mulcehy, thet the Council aelopt <br /> Reaolutton No. 83-64, the Application Requirementa anel Application <br /> fo rm aa reviaed: <br /> "Section 1- a) Before .!!!.X. City " snd <br /> ., . , <br /> "Section 2. f) Guarantee: the applicant lIay be required.. . " <br /> Motion carried (Hicka, Christiansen, M~lcahy, Wooelburn votins <br /> in favor of the ..oUonl McAlliater votins in oppoaition). (4-1 ) <br /> lIicks moved, seconded by Christiansen, that Council adopt <br /> Resolutions 83-59,83-60, snd 83-61, ~LING POR PUBLIC HEARING <br /> ON A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL Jo'AClLITIE.S DeVELOPME.NT PROJECT <br /> PURSUANT TO TilE MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AUTHORIZING <br /> THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF SAID HEARING (PHASE I, 11, .an d I I I) . <br /> After discussion, Hicks moved to amend the motion to insert <br /> 7:30 p.lI. on November 28, 1983 in the notices of Public Hearing <br /> (attached to each reaolution): motion waa seconded by Mulcahy <br /> and the motion aa a..ended carried (Hicks, Christiansen, Mulcahy <br /> voting in favor of the motion; Woodburn and HcAlliater votiDS <br /> in oppoaition.(3-2) <br /> Hicka moved that Council require a $5,000 non-refundable cash <br /> pay..ent/app1ication ($15,000/3 projects) and to waive $20,000 <br /> of the $30,000 required additional caah depoait (3 projects), <br /> requiring a $10,000 refundable caah depoait for the 3 projects. <br /> Only refundable payment/deposit is to be applied to project <br /> costs incurred by the City and excess refunGed to Developer. <br /> Motion carried (Hick.; W~o~burn,Mi~lli.tervotin~ in lavo~ ~f <br /> the motion; Chriatiansen and Mulcahy voting in opposition). <br /> I (3-2) <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I Mulcahy said he feels the non-refundable $15,000 fee would be <br /> I aufUcient. <br /> It waa CounCil's understanding that the Adlliniatrative Pee <br /> (Section 2. i) will be determined at the public hearing. <br /> REPORT OP VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> Approval of Chanr.e Order No. I, Impr. No 81-5 , Royal lIilla <br /> Council was re fe rred to Chanse 0 rde r No. I, SS-W-P-ST-8l-5 <br /> (Royal Hills), which is an estimate for sod in Floral Park, <br /> . in lieu of seeding. <br /> After discussion, McAllister moved, seconded by Hicks that <br /> Council approve Change Order No. 1, Project No. SS-W-P-ST-81-5. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (:i-O) <br /> Reaolution No. 83-62, ApprOVing Plans and Specifications and <br /> Ordering Advertisement for Bids on Impr. No. W-83-4, Water <br /> North of Highway 96 <br /> Christophersen reported completion of Plans and Specifications <br /> for Improvement W-83-4, and briefly reviewed the plans with <br /> Council. <br /> , <br /> -- ---.. ------------- <br />