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<br />Minut.. of R.gular Council M..ting <br />June 27, 1983 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />v , <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Park. Committ.. R.signation <br /> <br />Christian..n mov.d to acc~pt the r.aignation of Dr. Alan Kontgomery <br />from the Parks and Recreation Committ.e. Motion waa a.cond.d by <br />Kulcahy and carri.d unanimoualy. (5-0) <br /> <br />(C.rtificate of Appr.ciation to b. pr.par.d.) <br /> <br />Bid Award - 1983 S.alcoating Proj.ct <br /> <br />Council waa ref.rr.d to tabulation of four bida rec.ived, ranging <br />from $34,170.00 to $37,027.50, and to's letter of 6/23/83 <br /> that the bid b. award.d to the low bidder. <br /> <br />Hicka mov.d, s.conded by McAllist.r, that Council award the bid to <br />Alli.d Blacktop, in the amount of $34,170.00. Motion carri.d unan- <br />imously. (5-0) <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />6-17-83 - $400,000.00 at First Fed.ral for 6 months @ 9.4%, <br />maturing 12/19/83. <br /> <br />Hicks moved to ratify the Treasurer'a <br />by McAlli.ter and carri.d unanimoualy. <br /> <br />r.port. <br />(5-0) <br /> <br />Motion waa a.cond.d <br /> <br />Planning Commission Appointm.nt. <br /> <br />Hicka reported the h. waa unable to contact some of the p.opl. <br />mended as potantial Planning Commiaaion; r.ported that <br />Scott Patara.n indicat.d h. would like to think about it (was <br />m.nd.d by formar Planning Commiaaion m..b.r, Gary Thorn, but had not <br />be.n contact.d). <br /> <br />In diacussion, it waa the Council liaisons talk to <br />Committ.e me.b.ra to ae. if any curr.nt committ.. would b. <br />intar.stad in a Planning Commiasion appointmant, if ao, invit. th.m <br />to attend tha July 6th Planning Commiasion m..ting. <br /> <br />Appointments were def.rr.d to th. n.xt Council m..ting (July 11th). <br /> <br />(Ag.nda and Planlling Report to b. given to pot.nUal appoint....) <br /> <br />North Lak. Josephin. Improv.ment Association - <br /> <br />McAlliat.r mov.d, s.conded by Hicks, that Council approve the <br />work. for North Lak. Joa.phin. Improv.mant Association <br />July 4th at 1220 Ingerson Road. Motion carried unanimoualy. <br /> <br />Pi re- <br />on <br />(5-0) <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />M.tropolitan Tranait Com.i.aion <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Inquiry from Matropolitan Transit Commission relative to the ne.da <br />of Arden Hills for circulatory transportation - Roseville, Shoreview. <br />N.w Brighton, Ard.n Hills. <br /> <br />In diacuaaion, some of tha conc.rn. expressed ware: <br /> <br />- who will pay for it? <br />- whst can Arden Hilla afford? <br />- what is n..d.d; <br /> <br />It was the g.n.ral conc.naua of Council that large organizations <br />(MSI, CDC, Delux. Check, Land O'Lakea, Roa.dale, Her Mar, <br />.tc.) can conduct own surv.y of n..da within tbe organization; <br /> <br />-2- <br />