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<br />, <br /> <br />'t <br /> <br />Minutas of Rasular Council Maatins <br />Juna 27. 1983 <br />Pas. Thraa <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />araa wida quastionnsiras sra not considarad too succassful bacausa <br />avaryona says "Yas. I'd like it". without knowins who will pay for <br />it. Concarn was axpressed that da.ands would ba surfscins from <br />residents. business placa~. for tha alderly. atc. for spacial <br />servic.s. McNiesh r.portad that. to dste. the Villas. office has <br />not rac.ivad raquests for additional public transportation. <br /> <br />Mulcahy's Ma.oto Council 6/27/83 <br /> <br />Proposal to authoriza To. Mulcahy to investisate tha Dasirability <br />of Contractins for an Evaluativa Study of Ard.n Hills' Parks pro- <br />sra. and Manasam.nt. <br /> <br />Council discuasad Mulcahy'a proposal. aftar which Mulcahy waa <br />authorizad to inv.atigate~ at no cost to tha City. the poaaibility <br />of finding an exp.rt to conduct the propoaed evaluation and the <br />cost th.r.of. <br /> <br />I.O.O.F. Str..t Light <br /> <br /> <br />Council waa refarr.d to notification from I.O.O.F. that the lodga <br /> <br />no longar wanta to pay for the str..t light. Council authoriz.d <br />that tha atraat light be turnad off. <br /> <br />G.odaaic Ho.a (8:15 p...) <br /> <br />Stava Hagan. purchasar of lot in Chatha. davelop.ant. and Blair <br />WOlfra.. Top Do.e wara pres.nt. Hagan said ha proposa. to <br />closa on the purchasing of tha lot on July 1st. contingeD~ upon <br />obtainins a Building HaSen aaid he w.nta to live in tha <br />north araa, and particularly likes this lot because ther. is no <br />develop.ent at tha rear of this lot. providins tha privacy ha <br />da.ires. Hagan said he wants to build a gaodesic do..; noted that <br />Ardan Hills has a "les. desirable" one; feels concluaion. ara baing <br />drawn. with this ona in .ind. <br /> <br />A plen book by'..OutdoClr People and a faw pictura. wara circulatad for <br />raviaw by tha audianca and Council. Hagan notad that tha do.a is <br />obvioualy not a squara or ractangular building. a. are other home. <br />in Arden Hill.; noted that Battar Homa. and Cardans has an articla <br />on do.a.; wa will ..e .ora of th.. in tha futura coloniala <br />and othar atyle. of architacture. <br /> <br />Hagan aaid do.a. are .tructurally .ora sound than other ho.a. in <br />Chatha.; dome home. coat $100.000+; Chatha. ho.e. co.t $70.000 - <br />$90.000 whan conatructed. Hagan .aid ha purchaaad tha City Zoning <br />Ordinanca and ha. a copy of tha Spacial U.a for tha Chatha. <br />davelop.ant; aftar raview of theaa docu.ant.. finda nothing .tatad <br />that dome. can't ba built; faal. tha SUP wa. siven to Ban Con ba- <br />cauae of the ..all.r lot .iza.. not the hou.a. proposad; .tatad <br />that tha home. in Chatha. will not ba devaluat.d bacauae of tha <br />do.e - doa.n't want his hou.. d.valuatad .ithar. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Richard Aharn, 1671 Chatha. Avenua. said he faal. that pracisaly tha <br />thing. that Hagan has .aid about the do.. are tha r.a.on. wa oppo.a <br />it; it doas not fit the p.ttarn. Aharn .aid wa wara all a.surad. <br />whan wa bousht our ho.... that all in the davalop.ant would <br />be like the mod.l. or .i.ilar to it; a.k.d Hagan why ha wants put a <br />"do.." in an ar.. of traditional ho.... Ah.rn .aid h. finds nothing <br />wrons with the do.a. but f..l. it will low.r the valua of tha homaa <br />in Chatha. by $15.000-$20,000 according to information h. racaivad <br />fro. a raaltor. Aharn a.kad why Hagan want. hi. house to ".tick out <br />lika a aora thu.b". <br /> <br />Blair Wolfram aaid h. saw ranch .tyl.. colonial.. ona and two-a tory <br />ho.a. in Chatha.; did not aaa tha uniformity of which you apaak. <br />Wolfram .aid the Chatha. ho.a ownara do not hava aa good an invast- <br />.ant a. th.y .iSht. had thay a do.. ho.a. <br /> <br />-3- <br />