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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />May 23, 1983 <br />Page Four <br /> <br />-new firms, with no background - how would 3-year audit <br />requirement be applied? Other considerations would <br />have to be evaluated. <br /> <br />Mr. Russ Prince (Juran and Moody~ gave Mayor Woodburn copies of <br />IRB Guidelines from 19 Minnesota cities, and circulated to Council <br />Minnesota Industrial Revenue Bond Summary of projects in 1980 - <br />1983 : <br /> <br />1980 <br />1981 <br />1982 <br />1983 (thru April) <br /> <br />365 projects <br />413 projects <br />266 projects <br />53 projects <br /> <br />Prince noted that capital expenditures approved in April 1983 @ <br />$69,855,000 will create 942 jobs (either new, or to remain in <br />Minnesota); noted that a drop in population would not be healthy <br />in Minnesota. <br /> <br />McAllister raised a point of order, that Mr. Prince's comments <br />were not germane to the discussion of policy guidelines; noted <br />that Council heard the presentation at a previous meeting; to- <br />night Council wants to consider proposed guidelines. <br /> <br />Popovich asked Prince if he had any comments relating to any <br />aspects of the guidelines; are they reasonable? Are the fees <br />reasonable? <br /> <br />Prince said the Public Investors' condition is troublesome; pro- <br />tection for private investors can be handled by a Letter of <br />Credit guaranteed by the bank. <br /> <br />Prince suggested that a sliding fee schedule be a consideration, <br />rather than 1%. Applicant may have further input, after review <br />of the draft of guidelines. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by McAllister that Council table action <br />relative to the guidelines until the June 13th meeting. Motion <br />carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />Proposed Memorial for Co~ncilmaE-1~mes Wingert <br />Maurice Johnson presented a colored sketch of a suggested plan of <br />the flag pole area in front of the Village Hall, consisting of <br />railroad ties bolted together and stained to match the Village <br />Hall, exposed aggregate, plantings and a spotlight on the flag. <br />Johnson said a 12' high triple light is an alternative to the <br />concealed "spot" shown on the sketch (3 "spots" on the flag and <br />3 "floods" on the ground area). <br /> <br />Shirley Wingert said she and her daughter like the plan very much; <br />suggested that a plaque be included. Johnson said he intends <br />that a plaque be flush mounted on the timbers; if design is con- <br />sidered satisfactory, he will take care of the mechanics and de- <br />tails with Shirley Wingert and her daughter; suggested that most <br />of the labor can be handled by the Public Works Department. <br /> <br />Mulcahy moved acceptance of the proposal for a memorial for Coun- <br />cilman James Wingert. as outlined in the drawing. Motion was <br />seconded by McAllister and carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLArE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />Investments <br /> <br />5/16/83 <br /> <br />$190,000 at First Federal @ 8.6% interest <br />to mature 8/16/83. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by McAllister, that Council ratify the <br />Treasurer's report. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />, ., <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />