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<br />. <br /> <br />. . <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Minutes <br />May 23, 1983 <br />Page Five <br /> <br />Finance Committee Recommendations - Inflo/Infiltration <br />Council was referrad to ~utes o~~e-Fi~ance Committee meeting <br />of 4/28/83 recommending that Council notify the residents of the <br />inflo/infiltration problem and describe how sump pumps are con- <br />tributing to the problem; enforce or amend the City Code to pro- <br />hibit sump pump hookups to sanitary sewers; budget $20,000 in <br />1984 for inflo/infiltration correction purposes. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In discussion, it was explained that the illegal discharge of <br />water into the sanitary sewers is apparently a serious problem in <br />Arden Hills; TV monitoring end smoke tesD;ng will identify where <br />violations occur; City Code irohibita aump pumps,roof draina ate., <br />hookups to tha aanitary aewer. It waa notad that illegal hookups <br />apparently have occurred sfter inspections have been made; enforce- <br />ment of the ordinance provision is therefore difficult, if not <br />imposaible. Concern was expressed re the $20,000 budget figure <br />in 1984. Mulcahy said he feels this should not be financed by a <br />utility rste increase; do not have money for this in the Ceneral <br />Fund. <br />HIcks moved, seconded by Christiansen, that Councl I refer the <br />question of possible ordinance revision to the Public Works <br />Committee for Its study and recommendations to Councl I. Motion <br />carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Christiansen moved, seconded by McAllister, that Council proceed <br />with the recommendations of the Finance Committee, motion carried. <br />(Christiansen, McAllister, Hicks, Woodburn voting in favor of the <br />motion; Mulcahy voting in opposition). <br /> <br />(It was Council's underatanding that the final 1/1 decision will <br />be made at budget time.) <br /> <br />Planning Comm~on and Bo~r~_~~als Resignations <br />Christiansen moved, seconded by Mulcahy, that Council accept the <br />resignations of Donald Halva from the Planning Commission, and <br />Martin Crogan from the Board of Appeals and Planning Commission. <br />Motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />Certificates of Appreciation to be given to Halva and Grogan for <br />their aervice to the City. Town Crier and .!i!~ Brighton Bulletin <br />to note the vacanciea. <br /> <br />Summer Playgro~ea~e~ <br />(deferred to meeting of June 13th as per Buckley's memo of 5-19-83) <br /> <br />M.R.P.A. SuI!!!!!.!.. Playground Workshop <br />Council was referred to Buckley's memo of 5-20-83. <br /> <br />McAllister moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council approve the <br />$9.00 expenditure for the M.R.P.A. Summer Playground Workshop as <br />per memo. Motion carried unanimoualy (5-0). <br /> <br />Summer Park Maintenance Employees <br />Council was referred to Buckley'a memo of 5/19/83. <br /> <br />. ~lcAllister moved, seconded by Mulcahy, that Council spprove the <br />hiring of the three summer Park Maintenance employees at the same <br />rates es last summer. Motion did not carry (McAllister, Mulcahy <br />voting in favor of the motion; Hicks, Christiansen, Woodburn vot- <br />ing in opposition). (2-3) <br /> <br />After further discussion, Hicks moved, seconded by Christiansen, <br />that Council approve the hiring of Kevin Fuller @ $4.40/hr., <br />Douglas Hartman @ $4.20/hr. and Jeff Schlief @ $4.1S/hr. as sum- <br />mer Parks Maintenance employees. Hotion carried (Hicka, <br />Christiansen, Mulcshy, Woodburn voting in favor of the motion; <br />McAlliater voting in opposition. (4-1) <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Letter Request-Ilamon.a_ Lil!,dbom " <br />Latter of 'May 11th 'from Ramona'Lindbolll was referred to Council. <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />. <br />