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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />April 11, 1983 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />It waa moved by McAllister, seconded by Christiansen, thst Council <br />approve Resolution 83-25, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SANITARY SEWER <br />CONNECTION TO THE NEW BRIGHTON SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. Motion <br />carried unanimouSly (4-0). <br /> <br />Status Report - Lametti Arbitration <br />Christoffersen noted the letter from Attorney Lynden states the <br />arbitration has been settled. Council concurred not to appeal <br />the award. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE PLANNER ORLYN MILLER <br /> <br />Case No. 83-3, Lot Split and Consolidation and Associated <br />Variances, 3800 N. Dunlap St. <br />McNiesh reported that applicant has requested that this case be <br />held over until May 9, 1983. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Case No. 83-7, Setback and Access Vsriances, Lot 1, Block 1, <br />Bussard Addition <br />Miller stated that applicant is requesting two variances: <br /> <br />1) a driveway from Snelling Avenue (an "arterial" street) <br />instead of from Bussard Court (a "local" street). <br />(Zoning ordinance states that a residential lot, with <br />frontage on an arterial and local street, shall gain <br />access only from the local atreet). <br /> <br />2) an 8' sideyard setback variance for garage from <br />Snelling Avenue right-of-way. <br /> <br />Miller noted that the lot slopes steep,ly upward from both Snelling <br />Ave. and Bussard Court, but the slope is less steep from Snelling; <br />feels the grade differential represents a real hardship, and rec- <br />ommends that the variance for driveway access to Snelling Ave. be <br />granted, provided there is a turn-around on the lot. Planning <br />Commission and Board of Appeals recommends that this variance be <br />granted. <br /> <br />Miller noted that the grade of driveway, leading to garage, will <br />be quite steep. even after grading. Miller explained that the <br />proposed garage (assuming the 8' variance is granted) would be <br />midway between the basement floor and the first floor. Moving <br />the garage back 8' more would cause the roof of the garage to be <br />at ground level. Miller noted that the Snelling Ave. right-of- <br />way at this point is 200 feet wide, and approximately 85 feet <br />of open space exists between the existing roadway edge and the <br />east lot line; noted that the City has not previously considered <br />the excesaive right-of-way a reason for granting setback variancea; <br />doea not believe the reasona for requesting the variance meet the <br />City's criteria for granting a variance. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Planning Commission did not recommend <br />granting this variance (6-2); however, two members indicated <br />strong approval of the variance; Board of Appeals felt applicant's <br />hardship and appearance of the structure warranted granting of <br />variance (3-0 decision). <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Applicant stated that when he was considering construction of a <br />home on this lot, he checked first with Arden Hills to see if <br />variances could be granted; had then checked with Ramsey County, <br />and received its permission to have driveway opening to Snelling <br />Ave., and was assured that Ramsey County has no plans for further <br />widening of Snelling Ave. He said he has a quit claim deed from <br />Mr. Bussard, so that if riRht-of-wav on Snellin~ is released. it <br />will go to him. His building plans call for removing 5' from th~ <br />top of the hill on this lot, so it will be at approximate eleva- <br />tion of lot to the west. If garage is moved back 8' more, would <br />have extremely steep grade without good u' 3S. <br /> <br />It was moved by Mulcahy, seconded by Chr1 <br />approve the variance with respect to aCl <br />and approve an 8' setback variance on th <br />garage (32' setback). <br /> <br />j ansen, that Council <br />from Snalling Ave. <br />uast side for the <br /> <br />-2- <br />