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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />April 11, 1983 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Mulcahy atated that applicant, in his opinion, has made a good <br />case for hardship, is not asking for over-design, feels that ~ <br />level approach for garage is reasonable accommodation of land. <br />"Forcing him back 40' doesn't do anything for us as a Village". <br /> <br />Christiansen queried what slope would be with access from Bussard <br />Court. Miller stated that it would be considerably more. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />McAllister noted great difficulties in the lot in general as a <br />building site; questioned if house could be designed so that <br />garage variance would not be needed; varisnce does appear to be <br />necessary with this design, but feels this may not be the best <br />use of the land. Council noted the~ is presently an unimproved <br />driveway from Snelling Ave. to this lot. Motion carried (Mulcahy, <br />Christiansen, Woodburn voting in favor of the motion; McAllister <br />voting in opposition (3-1). <br /> <br />Case No. 83-6, Lot Split, 3759 New Brighton Road <br />Miller stated that this lot is 1,000 + feet in depth, as are other <br />lots in this area which run between New Brighton Road and Cleve- <br />land Ave.; explained that the applicant is proposing to split the <br />lot so that the lot with his home would be 100' wide by 200' deep; <br />lot fronting on Cleveland would be 100' by 900' deep; noted that <br />the applicant would like to retain the lot fronting on Cleveland, <br />if he sells his home. would like to keep the trees. <br /> <br />Miller noted that Subdivision Ordinance allows lot splits, pro- <br />vided the resulting parcels meet minimum lot requirements, and <br />the subdivision would not be detrimental to area. Area is zoned <br />R-2, consists of extremely deep lots. because of soil conditions <br />and negative environmental conditions (freeway, powerlines) it <br />is not well suited to residential use: Miller noted that several <br />lot splits and consolidations have been approved in the area re- <br />sulting in a larger, more flexible parcel which improves develop- <br />ment potential, in his opinion. <br /> <br />Miller explained that the proposed back lot does not have sewer <br />and water available; it appears soil conditions would make on- <br />site sewer impossible. noted that applicant has indicated he does <br />not intend to develop the land, or combine it with existing larger <br />parcel,at this time. <br /> <br />Miller reported that Planning Commission has recommended approval <br />of a lot split at the base of the hill. Applicant is agreeable to <br />this . <br /> <br />McAllister moved that Council approve the lot split for 3759 New <br />Brighton Road, with the lot split moved about 100' to the base <br />of the hill. Motion was seconded by Mulcahy and carried unani- <br />mously. (4-0). <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Case 83-10, Lot Split and Associated Variances, 1415 Arden Place <br />Miller reported that Mr. Erickson's home is built on 1~ lots <br />(200' x 120'); he is proposing to create an additional lot by <br />splitting off the east portion, creating a lot 80' x 118' deep <br />which would be substandard in width, depth, and area; remaining <br />lot would also be substandard in area. Miller reported that the <br />Planning Commission has recommended denial, based on the creation <br />of substandard lots; Board of Appeals has recommended denial, <br />because there is no evidence of an undue hardship. <br /> <br />Mr. Erickson referred Council to portion of the Ordinance which <br />states that, in instances where strict enforcement would create <br />hardship, variances can be granted, giving Council legal way of <br />handling this in his favor; noted granting the split would be in <br />keeping with the spirit of this Ordinance. He fe~t the proposed <br />easterly lot would accomodate a house; noted that the house to the <br />east is on a triangular lot, that there is a large amount of open <br />space behind the lots, ao it would not appear crowded. Erickson <br />said he has been disabled; is unable to work or to take care of <br />the lot adequately, and he financially needs money. <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />. <br />