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<br />. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> Augua t 30, 1982 <br /> Page Three <br /> Hamline is the next MSA street scheduled to be upgraded, when <br /> MSA dollars become available. <br /> Mayor Woodb urn said he would like to find a solution to the <br /> north bo'und left turn situation; asked estimated cos t as a sin- <br /> gular project. Preston suggested that the City pursue the matter <br /> with the State, offering to pay the City's share. Christoffersen <br /> commented that the cost would probably be more the Ci ty 's than <br /> assesaed, if done by itself because it would be difficult to <br /> show "benefit". Christoffersen explained that MSA streets can <br /> be cons truc ted in segments, possibly over three years. <br />. Johnson suggested that the Engineer prepsre a schematic drawing, <br /> including drainage problems to be encountered, for the upgrade <br /> of Hamline. Christoffersen said a drainage study was included <br /> in tbe previous Hamline report; questioned tbe adequacy of the <br /> report for a. 44,' Wi.~rO~SA req1:.ement is now 46' width ,for .z <br /> f.our lanes; -4../fJ4'J..<, , '-'.~ YU :;?<t:,t.. 11/ C'-7U ..e<-~> .tu{e", ~ 7;n.eL <br /> 7?7 4 a A.:t-u.-<A.b~. ' , <br /> Mulcahy e pressed concern re more asphalt; suggested the concept <br /> plan should consider a narrower "parkway" street. <br /> Council concurred that the Engineer be requested to evaluate <br /> his old report and to provide Council with al te rnat i ves and ideas <br /> ,which can ~e accommodated in the existing right-of-way for <br /> Council's conaideration. <br /> Woo db urn offered to wri te MnDOT relative to the need for a north <br /> bound left turn lane at Floral Drive, offering payment of Arden <br /> Hill's share of the construction cost for the project. <br /> Review of Inflow/Infiltration Study <br /> ~EngineerB Lund and Kraeme I' (SEH) were present to answer questions <br /> .~nd/ parts of the Infiltration/Inflow Analysia Report. <br /> In discul!sion, Council was referred to Tsble 5-3 which indi ca tes <br /> elJtimated ssvings/yesr for each district a f te I' removal of I and <br /> I. Lund noted that inflow is the 1 e as t expensive to find and <br /> correct; infiltration is sometimes difficult to find and remove; <br /> .noted that Arden Hills will reelize s substantial savings by do- <br /> ing SSES work. Lund exp lained that there are ways to proceed <br /> with a sequential program, if the City is in teres ted; csn proceed <br /> with as large or as small an area as the City wants. Lund re- <br /> ported that Roseville has effected an annual program to rehabil- <br /> itate its sewer system; sre doing a flow monitor just before and <br /> after the work; work will be done next year and the results will <br /> 'be known next year. <br /> Where to get the initial money to start the SSES was queried. <br /> Matter was referred to the Finance Committee for its input: <br /> - is an SSES prsctical (e.g. District 6)? <br /> - where to ge t the initial money? <br /> - priority basis? <br />. Engineer Lund offered to assist the Finance Committee if the <br /> Committee desires additional information or has questions. <br /> Cab Ie Communications Ci ti zen Advisory Committee Recommendations <br /> re Draft IV Cable Communications Ordinance - Franchise Allreement - <br /> Bill Bauer <br /> Council was referred to Draft IV of the Franchise Agreement, to <br /> Duties of the Commission and Cities, prepared by Anita L. Benda <br /> (8-25-82) to Attorney Lynden 's letter of 6-30a82 re Draft II I, and <br /> to Group W Proposed Rates. <br /> Bill Bauer reported that the Cab Ie Communication Citizen Advisory <br /> Committee recommends Council approval; reported th a I' it is also <br /> recommended for approval by the No rth Suburban Cab le Commission; <br /> stated he anticipates no modification by Group W attorney, 'if <br /> any, it will be minor. Bauer said Certification is an ticipated <br /> this fall. <br /> -3- <br />