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<br />Minute. of Halul.r Council Meetina. 4u&uet 11. 1986 <br />Paae 6 <br /> <br />After diacuaaion. Sather' moved. .econded by Peck. to amend the motion to <br />approve tbe .helt.r and liahtina aa out~ined in .inut.a (7/~9/86) at tbe l0wa8t <br />of two 01' thr.. qUIlt... "oUon ..arried IlIWlUlouely. (5-0) <br /> <br />Orilinal motion. a. amanded. carrie4 (Sather. Peck. Woodburn. Hi~ vlItin& in <br />hVafl If.Iuen vot1n& in llpPll.itiQ,Q).. (It-U - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Fall Park Proaram <br />Satber noted on. cbanae in th. 'all 511'0&1'&11. thta adelition of "UteI' School <br />1'1'011'...... a typa of latCh key 51'""11''' which 18 intenclad tll .. .eU-a\Mtainina. <br /> <br />Sather moved. ..conded by t~t Council approve tl\e 'all 1'1'011'11I .. <br />r~ by tM P.rka tAd ~,"",UQR ~ittlle. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />In di.cua.ion. liability and appropriaten... of the latch k.y proar&ll <br />qu.ri.d. HcNi..h advi..d that parent. ar. required to .iln a .tatemant <br />r.l..ainl anel indemnifyina the City froa liability. Sather d..cribed th. latch <br />k.y prolr&ll .. a ....rvic." to our r..ident.. juat a. .now plo"'inl and atJ;..t <br />a"'..pina ara a.rvic.a. Sather explained thet the after .choo1 pro&raai. <br />tentatively propo"" for twq t.o \lI.I:..4Q. per lfMk. .v8l\t1,l&1ly fiVe Mya per <br />W4Iek . <br /> <br />Motion carried (Sather. Hicka, 1:1.0'''', votina in favor of the lIOtionl <br />Woodburn in oPPOaiUan). (4-1) , <br /> <br />Park Salaries Allocated to Park Fund <br />S.ther expl.ined thAt, becaun of the rapid depl.tion of the PArk lund. and the <br />lo",er amount. of park dedication GlIni... and the lack of land for <br />'davaloPDant aubject to park dedication, the Parka Committ.. racommenda that <br />Park .alari.. ha allocated to the P.rka budget inataad of the P.rk <br />Fund. S&ther nottlO thAt renovation 18 nndlld in .~ parka no", I notlld the City <br />ia very definitely lookina at the end of the Park Fund. S.ther auageat.d, and <br />Council concurred. t~t the rec~ndation ha referred to the linaDk. eo..tttn <br />for it. conaid.ratlon and ~tion to Council. <br /> <br />FINANCE COliKI'1"l'&Il RiCOIfIoIIlNDArIQNS <br />CoUQc11 "'.. r.f.rred to finance eo.itt.. ainutNo.f July 31. 1986. <br /> <br />. Increase in HeatinQ Permit Pe8s and Chanaa in Percent.g. Ratainad bv Vilf&K8 <br />. Hanaen lIllVad. a.cond.d by Uicka. thet Council approve the HIlaUnl P.l'lIit ,.. <br />Schedule ae reoommanded by the 'inaAGa CoIaitt.., affective Sapt..o.r 1. 1916. <br />MoUon carried 1lIWl1llOualy. (~-O) <br /> <br />~t <br />{t;(I.M~~ ,<d <br />u.,(,"I; U <br />"1fJA!6frt/~ b <br /> <br />Water Tower Finaneina <br />HeNieah r.ported that the Financa C~1ttee recommend a that the "'ateI' tower be <br />temporariiy fin.nced from the P.rmanent Improv..-nt Revolvina Fund. and repaid <br />",ith intere.t, and tbat the balan... of the fUllllinl. for repayment of,;a , <br />fund. come from "'ater utility fun4 and aeneral tax levy. to be paid aa a <br />10.)'8&r .cbedule. <br /> <br />Hicks moved. seconded by Peck. that Council approve the water tower <br />financins .. outlined. <br /> <br />In diacuaaion. Sather expr.aaad concern about the mon.y ",ill CaDe froa <br />for all the City'. ponible UpenditurN. not only the ",at.r towerl he <br />oppoaea thb beitia "e_t.d in atone"l noted the Council'a potential fire . <br />prot.ction coata,' "'lIich are unknown at Chi. tt... It "'aa .xplained that the <br />Finance C~tte.'a rec_ndaUon b MllDt to be a "mecbaniaa for pa)/Mnt. if <br />the tower b built - . lu1"'11111l". <br /> <br />Kotion carri.d unan~ualy. (5-0) <br /> <br />Deputy Clerk/Zonina Adminiatrator ApPOintment <br />HcNieah report.d thatifiv. applicanta were interviewed by Kayor Woodburn, <br />Councilmembar Ranaan and her..lf. aft.r", of the 24 raaume. received, <br />r.ported that Catherina ia unanimoualy recaaDanded to Council for <br />4PpoinQDant a. Deputy Clerk/Zonina Administrator. .ffective September 2. 1986. <br /> <br />Hanaen moved. aeconded by P4Ck. thet Council appoint C.therine Iaao .. Deputy <br />Clerk/Zoning Administrator. .ffectiv. on or bafore September 2, 1986. at a <br />..lny of $25,000 ",1' yur. )lQt1on carded 1lIWl1llOwlly. (5-0) <br />