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<br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, August II, 1986 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that eounci1 authorize McNiesh to offer the <br />position to candidate H2 at the same salary, if capdidate Hl does not accept <br />the appointment. Motion 'carried unanimously. (5-0) , <br /> <br />LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REPORT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Rosevil1e Bank, 4061 N. Lexin~ton Avenue - Final Inspection <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Sather, that Council accept the Roseville Bank <br />landscaping, subject to the replacement of a Colorado spruce and cherry tree, <br />as recommended by Landscape Inspector Oelke, and authorize release of the <br />maintenance bond. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Anderson/Ospina Medical/Dental Office, 1260 West County ROad E - Initial <br />.Inspection <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that Council accept the landscaping at the <br />medical/dental office and authorize reduction of the performance bond to <br />maintenance bond for a period of one year. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />a 100% <br />(5-0) <br /> <br />Everest Investments II, 1275 Red Fox Road - Initial Inspection <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that Council approve the landscaping at the <br />Everest II office/warehouse building, subject to the addition of three Red <br />Splendor crab trees on the northwest corner of the building and two Norway <br />pines on the southern berm, as reco~ended by Landscape Inspector Oelke, and <br />that Council authorize the reduction of the performance bpnd to a 100% <br />maintenance bond for a period of one year. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />RCLLG Meetin~ of Au~ust 20 <br />Hansen cannot attend. <br /> <br />Council Meetin~ of Au~ust 25 <br />Hansen to be absent. <br /> <br />Department of Natural Resources Letter of 7/31/86 <br />Referred to Attorney Lynden with the following clarification requested re <br />definition of "closing the lake to all recreational u'se": <br /> <br />- close to all gas powered motors of any size. <br />not prohibit swimming, canoes, fishing. <br /> <br />Squire's Memo (8/8/86) re Request for Adiustment of Compensation as Code <br />Enforcement Officer <br />Referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Special Council Meetin~ - Au~ust 12 <br />McNiesh to request Attorney Plunkett to attend the August 12 Special Meeting <br />at 7:00 p.m., if possible, to discuss pending litigation at a closed Council <br />session; if August 12 is not convenient, schedule on August 25 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Approval of Election Jud~es <br />Hansen moved, secended by Peck, that Council approve the Primary and General <br />Election Judges as presented. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Claims and Payroll <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that Council approve the Claims and Payroll as <br />presented. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Resolution No. 86-39, Schedulin~ Public Hearin~ on Special Assessments for <br />Delinquent Utility Bills, Diseased Tree Removal, and Roseville Water Connection <br />on September 8, 1986, at 8:30 p.m. <br />McNiesh reported that under new statute regulations, City must notify affected <br />people and publiSh the Notice of Hearing before placing special assessments on <br />the taxes. <br /> <br />Sather moved, seconded by Peck, to adopt Resolution No. 86-39. Motion carried <br />unanimously. (5-0) <br />