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<br />~ ' <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting. June 9 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />that #10 station will be removed when the interceptor is in place. Raddatz <br />reported that there is not a lot of re-sale value for these pumps, but they <br />apparently can possibly be used for lake pumping, or possibly in some of the <br />City lift stations, not all stations. <br /> <br />Hicks noted that even though the City can use some of the lake pumping <br />materials over again, the cost of the materials for lake pumping exceeds <br />$4,000; wants the matter resolved on a permanent basis as Soon as possible. <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer Service - 1977 Thom Drive <br />Council was referred to Raddatz's memo (6/9/86). Raddatz explained that a <br />sewer stub cannot be located on Thom Drive for the lot recently created by a ~ <br />split and consolidation of two lots; reported that a sewer stub is shown on the ,.., <br />"As Built" sewer map to serve this lot, but apparently was not installed. <br />Raddatz noted that this stub was not assessed; noted that there are stubs at <br />the other end of these lots which were assessed; noted this sewer was installed <br />16 years ago, and it's possible this stub was removed from the project, but not <br />from the map. <br /> <br />Raddatz reported that the lot was purchased, and a house moved onto the lot, <br />after the purchaser checked the City's map and found that the lot had a sewer <br />stub. Raddatz reported that the lot owner feels the City should reimburse him <br />for the estimated $2,400 in additional costs for a sewer connection. <br /> <br />After discussion, Council referred the matter to Engineer Christoffersen for an <br />explanation of responsibility for the map discrepancy. <br /> <br />Report on June 5 Human Ri~hts Commission Meetin~ <br />Council was referred to minutes of Human Rights Commission meeting of June 5 re <br />Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee Report, recommending that the location <br />of Precinct #1 polling place be changed from the Odd Fellows Lodge to <br />Presbyterian Church of the Way, to provide accessibility for the handicapped. <br /> <br />In discussion, it was noted that if Church of the Way is found to be available <br />for this use, voters in the precinct will have to be notified of the change of <br />polling place and a directional sign will be needed designating the Church as <br />an Arden Hills polling place. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Sather, that, if available, Council establish <br />of the Way as an Arden Hills' polling place for Precinct 1 voters, and <br />Precinct 1 voters be notified of the change of polling place location. <br />carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Church <br />that <br />Motion <br /> <br />Other Business <br />RCLLG Meeting - Hansen cannot attend. <br />Finance Meeting of June 26 and Council Meeting of June 30 - Peck to be absent. <br />Woodburn volunteered to attend the Finance Meeting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />Resolution No. 86-29, Street Li~htin~ Policy <br />Council was referred to draft of Resolution No. 86-29. <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Peck, that Council adopt Resolution No. 86-29, <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING STREET LIGHTING POLICY. Motion carried unanimously. <br />(5-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 240, Amendin~ Chapter 12 of the City Code Addin~ Provisions <br />ConcerninR Closin~ of Lake Surface and Exemptions - Introduce by Title <br />Council was referred to draft of Ordinance No. 240. <br /> <br />After review, and a minor amendment thereto, Hansen moved, seconded by Peck, <br />that Ordinance No. 240 be introduced by title. Motion carried unanimously. <br />(5-0) <br /> <br />Approval of Retail Sales License, Lake Johanna Antiques <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Sather, that Council approve a Retail Sales License <br />for Lake Johanna Antiques for the balance of 1986. Motion carried unanimously. <br />(5-0) <br />