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<br />- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. .. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, June 9 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />required from both streetsona corner lot in the Chatham area. A transparency <br />of the existing house was shown, indicating the proposed family room addition <br />at the 25' setback of the existing house. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Board of Appeals and the Planning Commission recommend <br />approval, as proposed, based on the ordinance change after house was <br />constructed and no neighborhood impact. Miller reported that the applicant has <br />submitted statements from his neighbors, all of whom favor the proposed <br />addition. <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Peck, that Council grant the 5 foot setback variance <br />for the family room addition based on the change of ordinance requirements and <br />no adverse impact on the neighborhood. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Case No. 86-19. Setback Variance from Old HiRhway 10 - 4477 Old HiRhway 10, <br />Conrad Beaulieu <br />Council was referred to a transparency of the Beaulieu lot and existing house, <br />noting the proposed addition. Miller reported that the Board of Appeals and <br />Planning Commission recommend approval of the 2' front setback variance for the <br />addition because the addition does not encroach into the required front setback <br />as far as a portion of the existing house, which is at a 37' setback (40' <br />required) . <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that Council approve the 2' front yard setback <br />for the proposed addition, as proposed. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Replacement of ExistinR Ham Radio Tower - 3538 Siems Court. RORer Moerke <br />Woodburn explained that Council should determine whether the changes proposed <br />represent a "new" or "old" use; noted that if the changes are considered to be <br />"significant", a public hearing and Special Use Permit will be required. <br /> <br />Miller explained that the applicant is requesting modification of his existing <br />ham radio antenna; noted that the existing antenna was erected prior to the <br />Special Use Permit requirement for electronic towers. <br /> <br />Council was referred to letter from Thomas Mulcahy (6/4/86)requesting that the <br />tower be re-located to the northwest corner of the applicant's house, reducing <br />the visual impact from his yard. <br /> <br />Moerke reported that he has talked with all of his neighbors and has shown them <br />the tower modifications he proposes; reported that none of his neighbors, other <br />than Mulcahy, have expressed a visual problem with the tower or proposed <br />modification. Moerke said that relocation of the tower as suggested would <br />require considerable tree removal. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Sather, that Council deem the changes proposed a <br />modification of an existing use and grant the changes to the tower as proposed <br />by the applicant. <br /> <br />In discussion, Moerke explained that the tower height will not be changed; new <br />antenna will allow him to use three separate frequencies and will not be <br />affected by sun spots; explained that he now receives a lot of noise and no <br />signals; new antenna will have a 5 foot greater diameter; it is not a crank <br />up-and-down model. <br /> <br />Motion carried (Hicks, Hansen, Woodburn, Sather voting in favor of the motion; <br />Peck voting in opposition). (4-1) <br /> <br />REPORT OF PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR ROBERT RADDATZ <br /> <br />Karth Lake PumpinR <br />Council was referred to Raddatz's memo (6/9/86) listing the project costs. <br />Raddatz reported that no problems were experienced during the 11 day pumping <br />project (May 22 - June 2). Raddatz noted that some of the items listed can be <br />used again, e.g. pipe, wood, re-bars, etc. <br /> <br />Raddatz reported receipt of a few minor complaints re noise and pipe placement; <br />reported that he talked with Engineer Christoffersen relative to possible use <br />of #10 pumping station pumps in a permanent Karth Lake pumping station; noted <br />