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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, March 10. 1986 <br />Page 5 <br />no money or staff for public access. Bauer noted that cable deregulation of <br />rates becomes effective December 29. <br /> <br />Bauer was asked the percentage of users in our area - Bauer said about 33% <br />(Arden Hills about 35%); noted this is under the original projection; does not <br />know the percentage needed to make it pay. <br /> <br />Hansen said she does not favor public ownership. <br /> <br />Sather said he thinks this investigation may not be a bad idea; feels the <br />investigative process would not be wasted funds; feels cities can't make a <br />sound decision without having the facts; feels we should know the payback time <br />table, the liability involved; feels cities should know the relationship of the <br />buyers (if any) to Westinghouse. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Peck said he generally agrees with Sather's position. <br /> <br />Woodburn suggested that Bauer use his own judgment; Council seems to be split <br />on the matter; Council will understand either direction taken. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR ROBERT RADDATZ <br /> <br />Council <br />A. <br />B. <br />C. <br /> <br />was referred to three memos: <br />Hot Water Hi-Pressure Washer <br />New Garage Doors <br />Recommendation - Public Works <br /> <br />Dept. Full Time Employee <br /> <br />Raddatz reported that the Hi-Pressure Washer and Garage doors were budgeted for <br />purchase in 1986. Woodburn asked if the purchases can be postponed, because of <br />shortfalls, until after review of the budget by the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Sather recommended that extra couplers and hose be included when the washer is <br />purchased - one is not enough. <br /> <br />Hansen asked if the proposed washer is gas fired or oil fired; reported a gas <br />fired was recommended by one PS/W committee member. Raddatz said the one he <br />proposes is oil fired because it is portable and can be used in the field, at <br />lift stations, etc.; gas fired would have limited use because it would have to <br />be used only in the maintenance building. <br /> <br />Raddatz was asked if the garage doors are needed for safety and/or security. <br />Raddatz said for energy savings mostly, at this point; explained that <br />replacement panels are needed; said the door replacements are needed, but the <br />need's not crucial -- could be deferred a few months. Raddatz noted the doors <br />are not a standard size; changing to a standard door would require the <br />replacement of the track as well. <br /> <br />Raddatz said if the purchase of the hi-pressure washer is delayed, he'd like to <br />rent one for a week and clean the equipment this spring; currently, we use a <br />garden hose and a bucket of soap and water; have used the jetter, on occasion. <br />but that is cold water and does not do the job adequately. <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council defer these expenditures pending <br />Finance Committee review of the 1986 budget. and authorize rental of a washer <br />in an amount up to $250.00. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council authorize the hiring of Joseph <br />Mooney as a full time Public Works Department employee, effective April I, <br />1986, at $9.00/hour as per memo. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Hamline Avenue <br />Raddatz reported that the holes are being filled as they appear, but the holes <br />reappear almost immediately. Woodburn suggested that signs be installed warning <br />motorists of dips and bumps. especially at the extremely bad areas. <br />