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<br />--.- <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, March 10, 1986 <br />Page 6 <br />Finance Committee Recommendations - Mayor and Council Salaries <br />Council was referred to the recommendation of the Finance Committee (minutes of <br />2/27/85) that Council salaries and Mayor's salary be increased to $2,300 and <br />$2,900, effective January I, 1987. <br /> <br />Hicks moved. seconded by Sather, that Council accept the Finance Committee <br />report and approve the salary increases effective January 1, 1987. Motion <br />carried (Hicks. Sather, Hansen, Peck voting in favor of the motion; Woodburn <br />voting in opposition). (4-1) <br /> <br />(Attorney to prepare necessary Ordinance.) <br /> <br />Re ort on Human Ri hts Commission Meetin on March 6 <br />Council was referred to minutes of meeting 3/6 86, noting the appointment of a <br />subcommittee to look into feasibility of providing handicapped accessibility <br />for Precinct 1 voters. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Report on Parks and Recreation Committee Meetin~. Februarv 25 <br />Council was referred to minutes of February 25 Park and Recreation Committee <br />meeting. No Council action items. <br /> <br />1986 Diseased Tree Removal Contract - Advertisement for Bids <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that Council approve the Bid Proposal Form as <br />amended. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />(Bid opening - April 2, 1986, at 2:00 p.m. at Village Hall.) <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />Shoreview Watermain <br />Hansen reported the installation of a watermain by Shoreview on Lexington <br />(Cannon to Tiller) - notification given to Arden Hills as to potential of Arden <br />Hills hookups. <br /> <br />~ <br />Hansen reported that the annual RCLLG Legislative Banquet will be on Wednesday, <br />March 20 at Embassy Suites, at 6:30 p.m.; asked for Council input or questions <br />re legislative happenings. <br /> <br />Plannin~ Commission <br />Hicks reported an upcoming vacancy on the Planning Commission; asked Council <br />for suggestions of persons showing interest who will attend meetings; noted a <br />current problem to obtain quorum. (Notification of the vacancy will appear in <br />the next Town Crier.) <br /> <br />Mayor's Meetin~ <br />Mayor Woodburn reported that it is possible that eventually Arden Hills could <br />be left alone to support the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department in Arden <br />Hills; suggested that Council look ~nto a possible second site in Arden Hills. <br />Some site possibilities were suggested to serve the north area of Arden Hills. <br />Hansen suggested that Council also look into buying service from another city; <br />feels Council needs to look into alternatives. <br /> <br />Propertv Tax Assessment <br />Council was referred to the annual County special assessment of $81.34 for <br />waste control now placed on all City property on which there is a building <br />(Public Works Building, Village Hall, Perry Park, Booster Station). It was <br />noted that the assessment seems unfair, especially where no waste is generated <br />(booster station). <br /> <br />. <br />