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<br />~ <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, Page two <br />February 3, 1986 <br /> <br />Asked the potential of installation of a semaphore at the intersection <br />of Hamline and I-694, similar to those at Lexington and Rice, Van Wormer <br />felt this was not a viable possibility, since motorists would not be <br />making left turns; those on Lexington and Rice are provided because of <br />large numbers of left turns coming off the ramp. He added that the STH <br />96 and Hamline intersection has met warrants for installation of a light, <br />but is low on the State's priority list at this time, since there are <br />other locations with higher traffic volumes and accident incidents needing <br />semaphores. In order to encourage the State to move this intersection <br />up in priority, Van Wormer suggested continued close monitoring by the <br />State and by SEH. <br /> <br />Council asked if it would be possible to install a "No Left Turn" sign <br />on Highway 96 at Hamline between certain hours? Van Wormer stated MnDOT <br />would first have to agree to it; and it would probably be difficult to <br />defend in court. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Other alternatives for stop signs on Hamline, or a semaphore at "F" were <br />discussed, as well as signage at pedestrian crossings to parks. Concern <br />was also expressed for safety of children boarding and exiting from school <br />buses; suggestion was made that possibly the School District could be <br />encouraged to have bus routes set up so crossing of Hamline by students <br />is not necessary. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hansen, seconded by Hicks, that Council adopt the <br />resolution Ordering Construction of Improvement No. P-85-3, and Ordering <br />Plans and Specifications Therefor, for a 3-lane, 46' road with detached <br />sidewalk on west side. <br /> <br />In discussion, Sather asked if motion could include pathway on east side <br />from Karth Lake Circle to Wyncrest, at additional cost of $18,200. It <br />was noted that advantage of this would be safety; disadvantage, more <br />blacktop and less green area. Hamline residents present were asked extent <br />of use of Hamline by bikers, joggers, etc. now -- the three who responded <br />stated there was very little use at the present time; could, of course, <br />increase if sidewalks were available. <br /> <br />The engineers were asked if the sidewalk could be narrower than 5'. Their <br />recommendation is that no sidewalk should, for practical purposes, be <br />less than 4'; 5' is recommended. Planner Miller was asked if installation <br />of this sidewalk would decrease opportunities for landscaping; he replied <br />that there is very little opportunity for landscaping on the west side <br />now (snow plowing, salt, etc. would seriously jeopardize any planting <br />attempted), could perhaps have the sidewalk on the east curve somewhat <br />to allow for some shrubbery. <br /> <br />It was moved by Sather, seconded by Peck, that the motion be amended <br />to include installation of a sidewalk on the east side of Hamline, from <br />Karth Lake Circle to Wyncrest Court. <br /> <br />In discussion, Hicks asked where funding would come from for this walkway; <br />although it is a small percentage of total price, seems like a luxury, <br />would not be highly used; if residents are willing to pay assessment <br />for it, would be willing to consider it; asked if Parks Department would <br />be willing to pay for it. <br /> <br />Sather stated the Parks Department would probably be willing to pay to ~ <br />stripe one or two crosswalks to park entrances...foot traffic is probably <br />minimal now because of the condition of the road, would increase if Council <br />provides sidewalks leading to the parks. <br /> <br />Queried where people would be "going to and from" with sidewalks, Sather <br />stated they would be collectors, going to the one or two cross walks <br />on Hamline, <br /> <br />Christoffersen noted that he could include the east side sidewalk on <br />the plans as an alternate, and Council could defer decision on its inclusion <br />until the time that bids are opened for the project. <br />