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<br />.. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, Page Three <br />February 3, 1986 <br /> <br />The motion to amend original motion carried (Sather, Peck, Hicks in favor, <br />Woodburn, Hansen opposed). <br /> <br />Original motion carried unanimously. (5-0) (Resolution No. 86-8, ORDERING <br />CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENT NO. P-85-3, AND ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS <br />THEREFOR. ) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Feasibility Study - Under~round Power Lines or Power Liens on Only One <br />Side of Hamline Avenue <br />Council was referred to Parks and Recreation Committee minutes (1/25/86) <br />recommending a feasibility study re costs of burying lines, or moving <br />all to one side of Hemline Avenue, to enhance landscaping possibilities <br />and improve safety. Miller explained that he had given the Parks Committee <br />a very rough, uneducated estimate of $500,000+ (based on extension of <br />costs of burying lines on County Road E in 1981); Parks Committee had <br />felt that, although the cost seemed so high as to make the possibiity <br />unrealistic, it would like a study made by NSP to obtain a more accurate <br />figure for discussion. Miller added that, based on past experience, <br />it would require significantly more research and engineering to determine <br />cost more definitely. Engineer Christoffersen stated that NSP would <br />bill the City for the costs of the study. <br /> <br />Mike Lamey, 1349 Colleen, asked where land for burying lines would come <br />from. Christoffersen stated NSP already has easements; would not require <br />more land. <br /> <br />Lorraine Manuel, 4408 Hamline Ave., expressed opposition to the study <br />and burying cable if it would add to the special assessment. <br /> <br />Sather noted that the planned improvement of Hamline, to be completed <br />in 1987, will probably look pretty good; however, in considering aesthetics, <br />Parks Committee felt it would be in our best interests to have this study; <br />also felt the underground installation is more free from wind and storm <br />damage. (It was noted that NSP states that maintenance costs are equal <br />for either above-ground or below-ground lines, probably because underground <br />lines are more expensive to service.) <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council discontinue any further <br />studies on costs of putting power lines underground on Hamline Avenue. <br />Motion carried (Woodburn, Hansen, Peck, Hicks in favor; Sather opposed) <br />( 4-1) <br /> <br />Tax Forfeited Land. Out lots A and B, Chatham Fourth Addition <br />Council was referred to Parks and Recreation Committee minutes, (1/25/86) <br />recommending that Village not acquire these two pieces of tax forfeited <br />land. In discussion, McNiesh stated that, if the Village does not accept <br />them, they become State property and the State must maintain them; noted <br />the School District was contacted several years ago regarding the outlots, <br />but took no action. Motion was made by Sather, seconded by Peck, that <br />Council adopt Resolution No. 86-7, APPROVING CLASSIFICATION OF PARCELS <br />OF TAX FORFEITED LAND AS NON-CONSERVATION LANDS AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE <br />THEREOF. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Donation - Picnic Shelter at Hazelnut Park, Aid Association for Lutherans <br />Council was referred to Parks and Recreation Committee minutes, (1/25/86) <br />explaining that the Aid Association for Lutherans would like to donate <br />$2,500 for erection of a picnic shelter at Hazelnut Park. Arden Hills <br />would provide the concrete slab on which it would be erected, at a cost <br />of $1,000, and agree to maintain the shelter after its installation. <br />Motion was made by Hicks, seconded by Hansen, that Council accept the <br />$2,500 donation from the Aid Association for Lutherans, to install the <br />picnic shelter at Hazelnut Park and authorize the Mayor to execute the <br />Memorandum of Agreement, and authorize the Parks Department to spend <br />$1,000 for shelter base. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />