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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, Page Four <br />February 3, 1986 <br /> <br />SprinR Park ProRrams <br />Council was referred to "Spring Park Program" prepared by Parks Director <br />Buckley. Sather moved, seconded by Peck, that Council approve the Spring <br />Parks Program as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />ResiRnation - Board of Appeals <br />McNiesh informed Council of William St. Marie's desire to resign from <br />the Board of Appeals because of increased work load and time commitments; <br />noted he had served several years faithfully. Motion was made by Hicks, <br />seconded by Sather, that Council accept with regret the resignation of <br />William St. Marie from the Board of Appeals and requested that a letter <br />of appreciation be sent to him. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Sale of Public Works Truck <br />Council was referred to Raddatz' memo of 1/31/86, asking Council's approval <br />to consummate sale of the one ton truck with plow, to the highest bidder, if <br />that bid is $4,500 or over. The scheduled date of bid opening is February <br />6, and since Council's next meeting has been re-scheduled to February <br />24, would prefer to sell the truck earlier. Council asked Raddatz' valuation <br />of truck. He stated "blue book" price of :!:$5,000 some months ago; noted <br />this is optimum season for selling the plow. Hicks moved, seconded by <br />Hansen, that Raddatz be authorized to accept any bid in access of $4,500. <br />Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Other Business <br />None. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />Approval of 1985 Year End Transfers <br />Council was referred to McNiesh's memo of 1/31/86 detailing recommended <br />year-end transfers to be made. McNiesh reported the estimated 1985 income <br />from Federal Revenue Sharing was $43,000; actual amount received was <br />about $600 below this, thus transfer from Federal Revenue Sharing to <br />the General Fund will be about $600 less. <br /> <br />In 1985, Village budgeted $100,000 for a third fire station; since this <br />is not going to be expended, McNiesh recommended that $50.000 be transferred <br />to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, and the balance remain in <br />the General Fund, so that the cash balance in the General Fund at the <br />end of 1985 will be about the same as at the beginning of the year. Col- <br />lection of taxes levied is currently less than budgeted, partly due to <br />tax abatements and partly due to delinquencies. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Sather, seconded by Peck, that Council authorize year-end <br />transfers as recommended by McNiesh. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />It was noted that with extra expenses already occurring in 1986 and the <br />prospect of decreased revenue, Village may have expenses exceeding income <br />in the current year. <br /> <br />Approval for AmeriData Hard Disk and Multimate TraininR Course <br />Sather moved. seconded by Peck, that Council approve Shirley Marshall's <br />attending courses as suggested. with the understanding that the training <br />received will then be passed on to other Village employees. Motion carried <br />unanimously. (5-0) . <br /> <br />Resolution No. 86-6, Chanaina Precinct No.4 Boundaries <br />McNiesh explained that this resolution will merge precinct no. 5, which <br />includes the Arden Manor Mobile Home (all voters north of STH 96) with <br />precinct no. 4, which has the Village Hall as its polling place. Rationale <br />for this change is (1) this will equalize the size of the precincts (precinct <br />4 will be about the same size as precinct 3) and (2) provide handicap <br />access at the polling place (precinct 5 does not have handicap access). <br />It was moved by Sather, seconded by Peck, that Council approve Resolution <br />No. 86-6, RESOLUTION CHANGING PRECINCT NO. 4 BOUNDARIES FOR THE CITY <br />OF ARDEN HILLS. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />