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<br /> ----- -------- ----- --------- <br /> . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting October 15, 1984 <br /> Page six <br /> REPORT OF Y!LLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> Investments <br /> 9/26/84 - $2 10,7 I 7 .77 at First Fede ra I @ 11.35% Interest, matur- <br /> Ing 3/26/85. <br /> 10/15/84 - $250,000.00 at Twin City Federal @ 11.5% for one year, <br /> maturing 10/15/85. <br /> Hicks moved to ratify the Treasurer's Investments. Hansen seconded <br /> the motion and the motion carrl ed unanImously. ( 4-0) - <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Joint FI re Board - Hansen reported a new proposal re the third . <br /> fire station, under consideration by the Jol nt Fire Board: <br /> The three cities pay for the bui Idlng and select the <br /> architect; LJ VFD prepares the specifications. LJ VFD <br /> will earn e qui ty In the but Idlng @ 5%/year. In case of <br /> dissolution of the fire department, LJVFD will se II <br /> Its Interest In the bui Idlng to the cities at a nominal <br /> cost and pensions will be guaranteed. <br /> Counci I expressed Its concurrence with the p roposa I as described. <br /> Hansen reported that she wi I I relay Council's reaction to the <br /> Board at Its 10/16 meeting. <br /> Status of Hamllne/Hi~hWat 96 Proposed Rl~ht-turn Lane from <br /> McNlesh reported that th s Is pending a report and figures <br /> the City Engineer. <br /> Status of Proposed Street LI~ht at Hamllne Avenue and County <br /> Road E <br /> McNlesh reported that Mrs. Plnce has no objection to the II gh t; <br /> reported she has not been ab Ie to contact Mrs. Be II to date. <br /> The estimated cost of the light was repo rte d to be about $3400.00, <br /> which Woodb urn said Is prohibitive; noted that the proposed light, <br /> at this location, does not meet the established crl terl a for a <br /> street II ght I nsta" atl on . Hansen noted that a light at this <br /> location may compound the problem by encouraging more traffic on <br /> this dead-end portion of Hamllne Avenue, <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE CLER~ ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MC NIESH <br /> Approval of Election Jud~es for General Election <br /> Counc II was referred to list of Election Judges for the November 6th <br /> Gene ra I Elect I on , <br /> Rauenhorst moved, seconded by Hicks, that the Election Judges be <br /> app roved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> Claims an d Pay ro I I <br /> Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council approve the Claims <br /> and Payroll as p resen ted . Motion carried unanimously. ( 4-0) <br /> Development A~reements - Lamett I , Roya I Hills North, McClung 3rd . <br /> Addition - Time Period for Payment of Special Assessments <br /> McNlesh reported the r.tlonale for establishing a 6-year payment <br /> of special assessments In re cent yea rs; noted that some develop- <br /> ers, because of the ecclnomy, have allowed assessments and taxes <br /> to run delinquent unt II lots are sol d; consequently, the City <br /> must pick up the costs I n the In te rim. <br /> Rauenhorst moved, seconded by Hansen, that a 6-year time period <br /> for payment of special assessments for Lametti, Royal Hills North <br /> and McClung 3rd Addition be estab II shed by Council. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. (4 -0) <br />