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<br />,.,., -. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Councl I Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />August 20, 1984 <br /> <br />Is the low bidder @ $126,012.05. Christoffersen recommended the <br />contract be awarded to Sarah Contracting, Inc. <br /> <br />McNlesh reported that she has a letter on fi Ie from Lamettl, <br />approving the bid award to Sarah Contracting, Inc. (John Healy, <br />President). <br /> <br />Rauenhorst moved, seconded by Mulcahy, that Council adopt Resolu- <br />tion No. 84-24, AWARDING BID FOR IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-W-P-ST 84-2 <br />(Lamettl Add I 1'1 on) TO SARAH CONTRACT I NG, I NC. Mot! on carrl ed <br />unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Resolution No. 84-25. Accepting Feaslbi lity Report and Ordering <br />Plans and Specifications for Improvement No. SS-W-P-ST 84-3 . <br />(McClung Third Addition) . <br />John McClung reported that he has reviewed the Feasibility Report <br />and accepted the report In a letter to the City, authorizing <br />preparation of plans and specifications. Christoffersen reported <br />that McClung has raquested that the McClung Third Addition Improve- <br />ment be added TO The Royal Hills North improvement plans and <br />specifications; nOTed that the COST of The eXTra depTh sewer <br />Through Royal Hills North (estimaTed aT SI09,900) will cause an <br />additional COST TO Royal Hills NorTh, which will be divided out, <br />and McClung Third Addition wi II pay the additional COST. ChrisTof- <br />fersen reported thaT McClung agrees TO be assessed for the sewer <br />main eXTra depth through Royal Hills NorTh; has nOT discussed <br />this wiTh Marcel Elbenstelner TO date. ChrisToffersen explained <br />ThaT quantities wi I I be separate for both subdivisions. McClung <br />agreed TO pay all costs Incurred by The City should he wish TO <br />step out and not award the bid. <br /> <br />RauenhorsT moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council adopt Resolution <br />No. 84-25, ACCEPTING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDERING PLANS AND <br />SPECIFICATIONS FOR MC CLUNG THIRD ADDITION. Motion carried unani- <br />mously. (5-0) <br /> <br />ResoluTion No. 84-26, Combining Impr. Nos. 84-1 and 84-3 and <br />Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for Impr. Nos. SS-W-P-ST 84-1 <br />and 84-3. <br />Hicks moved, seconded by RauenhorsT, thaT Councl I adopt Resolution <br />No. 84-26, COMBINING IMPR. NOS. 84-1 AND 84-3 AND AUTHORIZING <br />ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR IMPR. NOS. SS-W-P-ST 84-1 AND 84-3. <br />Motion c.arrled unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />STatus Report - WaTer Improvement No. 83-4 (Highway 10) <br />ChrisToffersen reported that he Is recommending that payment be <br />withheld pending compleTion of the project; .has senT a leTTer to <br />the conTractor advising of same. <br /> <br />STatus ReporT - Hamllne Avenue, North of 1-694 <br />ChrisToffersen reported he meT wiTh the State; STate wanTS In-pUT <br />from The CITY re its plans norTh of The StaTe-owned segment; <br />would like to know proposed streeT width, number of driving and <br />turn lanes, eTC. Christoffersen reported That they want this <br />Information before construcTing the south portion; bids for the <br />souTh portion are proposed TO be let In January or February, 1985 <br />for spring consTruction. . <br /> <br />A public Information meeting was suggested by Mulcahy. Counci I <br />concurred to schedule The presentation of alternative proposals <br />to the public and Councl I aT the September lOth meeting; suggested <br />that The Town Crier and New Brighton BulleTin publish a notice <br />advising the public of the Information meeting, Inviting Their <br />In-put. <br /> <br />l!guor License Transfer, Big Ten Supper Club - Jerome Mesenbourg <br />~iesh reported receipt of Applications for Transfer of On-Sale, <br />On-Sale Sunday and Off Sale Liquor Licenses of Big Ten Supper Club, <br />Inc. to Jerome Mesenbourg; reporTed thaT Ramsey CounTY Sheriff's <br />DepT. and the Fire DeparTment wi I I be conducting InspecTions of <br />The premises, and the Sheriff's office wll I conducT an InveSTiga- <br />Tion of the applicant; reported that $100.00 Transfer fee has been <br />paid. <br />