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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 30,1984 <br />Page Five <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by ChrIstiansen, that Council ratify the <br />Treasurer's Investments. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />(letter to be sent to Norwest, St. Paul advising that the only <br />depositories authorized for the Investment of funds of the City <br />of Arden Hills are those designated by resolutions adopted by <br />the City Council.) <br /> <br />Report on Fire Board MeetlnQ of ~anuary 19th <br />Council was referred to a map, prepared by the lake Johanna <br />Volunteer Fire Department, designating the proposed service areas <br />of the two existing and proposed third fire station (2 stations <br />reporting to each fire). It was noted that all of Arden Hills Is <br />shown to be servIced by station 1 (New Brighton Road) and proposed <br />station 3 (County Road I and Lexington). <br /> <br />In discussIon, It was noted that the two existing stations respond <br />I . <br />to all fIres now. Arden Hills, therefore, gains nothing by the <br />addition of the third station, as designated on the proposed <br />service map. CouncIl concurred.that Arden Hills prepare an <br />alternate service map for Council, and subsequent Fire Board, <br />consideration. <br /> <br />(Woodburn will prepare map revision as discussed by Council>' <br /> <br />Committee Reslqnatlons and A~polntments <br />Council was referred to McNlesh's memo of (1-27-84) re commIttee <br />resignations and names of volunteers for service on various <br />committees. <br /> <br />McNlesh reported that Tim ,Tuggle had previously resigned from the <br />Parks CommIttee and Board of Appeals because of a work conflict, <br />and now finds he can serve on these committees. It was noted, <br />also, that Bob Sonneck's name was Inadvertantly omitted from the <br />list of Finance Committee appointments for 1984; also that <br />Kathleen Rauenhorst's appointment as Councilwoman will automatically <br />result In a vacancy on the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Woodburn nominated Tim Tuggle for appointment on the Parks <br />Committee, ~nd Bob Sonneck on the Finance CommIttee. <br /> <br />(Since Tim Tuggle's resignation from the Board of Appeals had <br />not been accepted to date, he will continue to serve as a member <br />of the Board of Appeals.) <br /> <br />Mulcahy moved, seconded by Rauenhorst, that Council ratify the <br />appoIntments by the Mayor. MotIon carrIed unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Councl I deferred additional committee appointments to a future <br />meeting to gIve Councl I members an opportunIty to talk to applicants. <br /> <br />Public Saf~ Committee Recommendation to InitIate Surve~~ <br />Fire Safety Needs <br />CouncIl was referred to Public Safety Committee's recommendation <br />that a fIre safety needs survey be conducted (MInutes of 1-16-84), <br /> <br />Councl I concurred with the recommendatIon and will convey It to <br />the Fire Board at an appropriate tIme. <br /> <br />Woodburn reported that Fire Chief Koch Is aware that he has the <br />authority to Inspect buIldings In Arden Hills since adoptIon of <br />the Uniform Fire Code; reported that apparent over-crOWding of <br />some establishments In the past has been a concern of the fire <br />department. Woo~burn reported he has notified McGulres Inn that <br />an InspectIon may be conducted on St. PatrIck's Day If over-. <br />crowding Is suspected. <br />