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<br />Minutes of Regular Council MeetIng <br />Monday, January 30, 1984 <br />Page Four <br /> <br />Rauenhorst supported Mulcahy's opposItIon to the boat launch; <br />noted that restrictions have already been Imposed on Lake Johanna <br />to prevent over-use of the lake. Hicks also supported this <br />position; feels a permanent boat launch facIlity Is not necessary. <br />Woodburn noted that a permanent launch may be preferable to the <br />one adjacent to his property on Lake JosephIne, which Is eroding. <br />Mike Muske noted that the launch might be more unsightly If not <br />done rIght. <br /> <br />It was noted that regulations re fishing from the dock and <br />swimming beach regulatIons were other concerns to be addressed. <br />Hogansen said these points of safety wi II be covered by the By- . <br />laws; noted that archltectual concerns wIll be controlled by an <br />archltectual commIttee elected by the association members. <br />Enforcement of the covenants will be by the Board of Directors <br />(3 people) elected by the associatIon. It was verified by <br />Hogansen that the covered picnic area (Article V D.) Is a <br />permanent structure to be permitted In the Common Area. <br /> <br />Council concurred that the Lamettl Addition DeclaratIon of <br />Covenants, Conditions and RestrIctions be approved with the <br />following changes: <br /> <br />1. Docks are to be straight (no "T" at end) and are <br />not to exceed 5' In wIdth. <br /> <br />2. No permanent boat launch. <br /> <br />3. No changes In Common Area restrictions wIthout <br />Council approval. <br /> <br />It was the general concensus of Council that concerns re location <br />of buoys and floats In the lake be discussed as It pertains to the <br />entire lake. <br /> <br />Case No. 83-16, Request to Extend VarIance to July 11, 1984 - <br />Laurie Johnson <br />Councl I was referred to letter from Laurie Johnson (1-10-84) <br />requesting extension of the 5' sldeyard setback varIance (Case <br />No. 83-16) for six months; anticipate buIlding In the spring. <br /> <br />HIcks moved, seconded by Rauenhorst that the varIance be <br />extended to July 11, 1984. Motion carried unanImously. (5-0) <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />Investments <br />1-23-84 <br /> <br />- $400,000.00 at Norwest, St. Paul @ 10.35% Interest, <br />maturIng 1-2~-8JI. <br /> <br />Lamb reported that he found later that Norwest <br />brokered the Investment to four Savings and Loans: <br />($100,000 @ each) <br /> <br />Westwood S & L, Los Angeles, CA <br />State S & L, Lubbock, TX <br />Coop Federa I S & L, Westmont, I L <br />AmerIcan DiversifIed S & L, Lodl, CA <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Lamb explained that he dId not understand the Investment was a' <br />brokerage action; was told that our Investments had been handled <br />this way before. <br /> <br />After dIscussion, Hicks moved that Council authorize the four <br />$100,000 Investments at Westwood S & L, Los Angeles, CA; State <br />S & L, Lubbock, TX; Coop Federal S & L, Westmont, I L; American <br />DiversifIed S & L, Lodl, CA for these Investments only, maturing <br />1-22-85. Motion was seconded by Christiansen and carried <br />unanimously. <br />