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<br />ULIUlI:!b U":;.::>lpm t-rom;r-aul L. l"'to lone lage UUL or UU'i <br /> ,. --I <br />c... ~ . ,'.FPPDPP,P.T E,:IS I <br />.2.28 ~ <br />2.29 s.;:::.::;,. ~ . ]:..Dl:InISTR::c...rIO~T <br />, ")." Su}:,di "0"''-~,n 1- "'- th"? .1 <br />.::.... _,U <br />2.31 cC.>n"llniss ic.ner c",f 2.dmin istr,::, t ion <br />~.Jo.:: for: purposes sp..::cified .iIi l.his seCL.l'::=:'L 102, 3~\1, QUe' <br />.. ',.., 51J)::3. '::-:;_p:..t.:\l. )\~'2et <br />L.':>:;> ,,-. <br />2.34 PI-ssecv"atic'L ,::;.r:d RepL'Otcemp-nt (C.::.P?}...) 1 '.:3, DOC', OCiO <br />.-, -;;c: ':':"his 3pr,:'..ropr .:..,~ t ion i~ for uaanticipated I <br />.::... + -'-' <br />L. .:;".,) emerJP-ncie2 r:.f '\ c.apl ::.:::.1 nature, <br />2.3"1 prGjects ,- ,~ r'2.nlC,'"t2 life sa..:'ety ::,azards, <br />;:: -->, '?li:tlin,3.tic.n cr CC':;L t.3.inmerl t- ef h::;=::trdcl.\s <br />;;.3':1 3uJ:.:.stances, arid r;:::p 1 aCelTl5Tl t and repaIr I <br />:::.. .10 of roc.f s, \,.;irld'-)H.:3 , and other cclpital <br />3.1 a~:;;::2t3 in accordance with Minnesota <br />- c, sec::tion 16.-:'..632. Thi s <br />.5.L I <br />-'. ~, a;.pr.:)pr"l is :lv3.ilaJ:,le f;:)r L22 at <br />3.4 state facilities. <br />j.~ The c0rruuissio~er sha.11 'jive all state <br />..).0 Cl,}encies, other than the ~[innesota I <br />3./ .3tatc c,::,lle':J'2s anj universities and the <br />'::',.8 University of Minnesota. an c'pportunity <br />2.9 to applj" for [e,r urgently needed <br />3 _ Ie! projects llfldcr this appropr ia tion. The I <br />3.11 cc.mrui ,3 s iar;er sha.11 dete~mine project <br />3.12 pri-::::.ri ti.;:;s as appropriate c-cL",-d upe,n <br />3.13 need. <br />::'.14 Up to $900,000 of the I <br />3_15- appropriated in this su!:.:::<:iivision Inaj' be <br />2..16 tL:;""d as necessary to renovate the <br />3.17 Governor's 2esidence in St. Paul fc.r <br />3.18 life safet::,r. cod'?, security. and .. <br />3.19 ancillar:/ ~~t':'raJe f.s.cilit,{ impro-.'ements. <br />.3.2CI Subd. 3- . StZLts'i,ride EuilcJin';J P..ccess 10.000.000 <br />-, r.1 For inlpro',,'e:llerlts c,f ,;, c"1pital Lature t.0 <br />'.~-'- <br />3.2:::: remc,-,'e barriers and mate st.FJt.s-e.,.med I <br />...:...0::_.... buildino,J2, pr'::";Jraws. 3.nd ser.,ices <br />3.24 accessible to in.ji\li.juals ',.Iith <br />~,; .,:,. c: disal::.ilities. including e.::::.mpliance ,'lith <br />-'. "--' I <br />_.....Lu fejeral .;:'.~'.;:'. g1Jid.elir,es. The <br />3.27 cc::,mnli:=33 ic.ner .shall determine project <br />~'. ..:...v prL::>rities as ar:prcp~iate ba:sed upon <br />3.29 need. In determiniLg project I <br />3. JI:), the c:.::,'='ner Inust gi'IC <br />..)...)1 lOT';er priori::...: to l::rojeC1:s in <br />3.32 faci 1 i t_ ie.3 ,rh ieh ch~ .state intends to <br />..:-....:-'.5 demclish, sell, (ir .-s.b:;..ndiJn t.lithin I <br />3.34 years. <br />3.35 S;Jbd_ 4. Transp.::.rta tiGn <br />..:-.....:' :') B1Jildin';r Phose IV 5,525,00iJ <br />3.37 Tc. c'.Jntinue life safety renovation at I <br />"':'. "':'0 tran3por~ation building ir, St. Paul. <br />3.3:;) Tr-lis rene;..,ta t ic,n is to include ne',.' <br />3.41) heating, '/entilar-ic:n, and. air <br />':'.41 condi tionin,;r sys':e:rc5. els'..'a.:')rs, I <br />J .F' li';:Jhtinq. \,.rindo'iJ3, ana raise..:! f 1.::..::;:. r3 . <br />."tL.. <br />3.43 This ':lppl'opr ia.t ion lS fronl c:h,:; tr_lnJ..: <br />3.44 high,ra~.' fund. I <br />::'.4=, P'.CC'::::"UL t balances from previo'_lS <br />::'.46 al.:'propri0.tiorls f(:lr earli':'r phases of <br />3. J, ': this continuing prcject may be used for -. <br />:;..48 phase IV. <br />3.49 Subd. c Renc,-,'ate Capi tol <br /> J. <br />::'.50 l.x.:::,."'; El',~vatc'r.s 1,744.000 <br /> I <br />