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<br />. ULIUlI:Jb U';::>Lpm rrom;r'aul L. Malone r-age UU,; or UU'I <br />1-- ., <br />~. 3.51 ToC ir.'prc:\'e, UP'J r:a.:je, an::i mc:,ji:",/ <br /> '::'.5: -=:,:ist.:...rltj" e2.e~"' equ:.prn~nt l:-L the <br /> .3. :.2 capitol, st~t2 office huilding, <br /> ~.54 admifli3trZttic.n buildi:.L'J, and F.:::.r.j <br />I 3.55 blJildin:j. This appre.priation is ezemr:..t <br /> 3.56 from the provisions of l-linr:esc.ta <br /> 3. :,7 SLt tv tes, sectie_'n 162..3.3::, . <br /> 3.SE: $uhd. ,,:; hgencj Relocation ~, 45.:t, f)O() <br />I ~" S~, $,2,l?<3,DCC c:'[ Ul1::;; appro'pLiation l3 <br /> 4,1 f .Ie.m the t_run1-~ )[ l.9hT'TA~' fur::.::I fc:r the <br /> L2 partial reL:.cati'JE Df rJF-; departm.;:;nt e,f <br /> 4.2 tra.riq-:-(;.r t.3.ti.,:;H. <br />I 1.4 $.261, C'OO of t!1is apprc.priatic.n is from <br /> .:1 h, the (Jeneral f'.lnd to .Isle,cate the <br /> j, " department of hl:m3.:J. ri>][lts, public <br />I 4.7 3zdet.'/ di'visic.n (:.f dri\i<:::.t: and v~hicle <br /> 4.8 sE:yvi..:;esl del2.artrn8:-1t c.[ labc.r and <br /> 4.9 indust_r::/ in St. CL:.ud, and department <br /> 4.1(1 of human services in St. C:l-::.ud. <br />I 4.11 Subd. ,. Health Buildir,'J <br /> 4.12 [;:=::-siqn 4:, \)00, I~'OO <br /> 4.13 .E"cr desi.;;rn of ~ ne:....r he~,l th J:,'.li Idin';f and <br /> 4.14 par~~tng ramp in the capitol cc.rrp 1 e:.: <br />I 4.15 area in St. FaL:.l. Of this arne-unt, <br /> 4.16 $4J0/JOO is appropriated to ~he capitol <br /> 4.17 area architectural and planning board <br /> 4.18 fc.'r a desi9n c'Jr~lpeti tion. <br />I 4.19 Sut-d. o. Revenue Euilding <br /> 4.20 Design 2,1:.0,000 <br /> 4.21 For deslo]Ti of .3, :-lej'.J re'JenlJ? dep.3.rtment <br /> 4.22 buildin'.;; . 0f this amount, C:,::>nn n()n is <br /> ...,--~~, ~~~ <br />.. 4.23 appre.priated to::.' th'~ c';:lpitc.l aree. <br /> 4.24 architectural and planning board for a <br /> ,~ .25 design competition, <br />I 4.26 SlJbd.. 9. Support Ser,cices <br /> 4.27 Facilit}' 8,088,000 <br /> J. '"'~, For land acquisitionl pl-edesi.;rn, <br /> _' ,,-0 <br /> 4.29 design, furn ish i. ng, and <br />I 4. .3Cf ecr-lippin'J of 1":81)" facilitic.s fer print <br /> 4. .31 COn-Jfl'Jn ie-51 t ions, micr...)gr.3.phic.:=: , rec<Jrds <br /> ,1.32 cent.::;r, and central stores. <br /> 4. :.3 Sut}d. 10. E2.ectric iJtilit::' <br />I 4.34 In f r 3st.ructure ?ha3'2 II 1,635,000 <br /> 4.3::, To impre..'/s, upgradel and ext=" the <br /> 4:.2.6 electrical utility infrastructure in <br /> 4.37 the capi t.el comple:": area. This project <br />I .J .38 is e:-:ercpt rroHl the r"?quiremer.ts of <br /> 4.39 t'[innesc,ta Statute.s, .secti':~.n 16B.335. <br /> 4.40 The aCCGur.t balance from the prior <br /> 4.';1 ph6se as .;:.uthorized in La,.r::: 1994, <br />I 4.42 scetie.n L,;i..:=;.n 0 may be used <br /> ~, <br /> 4.413 for pha.sC' II . <br /> 4.11 Subd. 1l. 'I'ra'-le1 Hanagement <br /> .":1'": <br />I '1.<::1:, Facilit::., 2,6:':'1 CIOO <br /> 4.46 For land acquisitionl p.::::e<ie.s i.;rr" <br /> 4 . 4 7 desi';jn, const..n.lctic.n, furnishing, and <br /> 4.43 ecpippin'J of 0 new f~c:.lity for the <br />I 4.~9 tra..,-el rllanagel:1.e:J.t center. <br /> 4. :,,~ Subd, 12. Science H~Jseum <br /> 4.51 ~f Hinne3ot3. 33,800, ,:100 <br />if 4.52 To t.h-s- c.::;,[mnissioner of aclrni ni:::; Lra tic.n <br /> 4. ~,3 f()r a grant to the citj' of St. Paul to <br /> 4.54 designl co::;:.nstruc:.t., furn Lsh, and equip a <br /> 4.55 selene."? mU3(~Um ~ n :3t.. Ptiul, <br />I <br /> --.---- <br />