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<br />I <br />I <br />tYtBRUARY 16' 1996 <br />I INSIGI-IT: Property taxes <br />~nnual survey shows . losers <br /> Winners, <br />I share-the-wealth property tax fund <br />fJomington gives up most, while South St. Paul gains most <br />Norman Draper 12 percent. and 1'vIinnetonka lost <br />(ribtlne SraffWriter about 11 percent. Per capita comparisons for tax-base sharing <br />oomington is the biggest los- In the case of Bloomington, <br /> that translates to an $18.3 million Winners Losers <br />and South St. Paul the biggest tax base contribution. <br />ler in the latest survey of how Despite the hits, noted the re- Community % change in 1996 Community % change in 1996 <br />owide property taxes are port, all four of those communi- (Above 9,000 pop- (Above 9,000 pop- <br />" ed through the fiscal dispari- ties gained in tax base in 1996. ulation) NTC""with ulation) NTC""with <br />sfund. Biggest winners included sharing sharing <br />Ir~t which distributes South SI. Paul, with a 27 percent Andover 12.46 Arden Hills -9.58 <br />o property tax doHars to ta.x base increase from fiscal dis- Anoka 12.45 Bloomington -13.28 <br />'- ffiel politan area's poorer parities; North St. Paui and Co- Apple Valley 4.58 Brooklyn Center -2.95 <br />mmunities, grew for the first lumbia Heights, with 23 percent Blaine 4.34 Burnsville -9.28 <br />Ir four years. increases. and Champlin, 22 Brooklyn Park 5.23 Chanhassen -0.57 <br />cording to a survey by the percent. Champlin 22.14 Chaska -7.18 <br />ens League, the fund grew Minneapolis and SI. Paui ben- COlumbia Helglrts 22.50 Eagan -9.51 <br />almost 8 percent, from S241 efited from fiscal disparities, with COon Rapids 9.79 Eden Prairie -11.72 <br />Ion in tax base last year to Minneapoiis gaining about 1 per- COttage Grove 14.82 Edina -7.16 <br />million for the 1996 tax year cent in tax base, and St. Paul Crystal 17.03 Fridley -6.92 <br />, s payable in 1996). That in- getting a 16 percent boost. In Ham Lake 8.27 Golden Valley -8.63 <br />::ase retlects the rising values of terms of actual dollars, Minne- Hastings 10.71 Little Canada -2.11 <br />Imercial and industrial prop- apolls got aimost a $3.8 million Hopkins 0.65 Maple Grove -0.25 <br />s after severai years of de- tax base boost and St. Paul. $25.3 Inver Grove Heights 1.82 Maplewood -9.60 <br />, and a decrease in the nuffi- .million. Lakevllle 3.07 Mendota Heights -7.06 <br />"of court-ordered property tax Tax base is the proportion of Lh'lo lakes 12.07 Minnetonka .11.11 <br />Ictions. property's market value used in Minneapolis 1.17 Plymouth -8.93 <br />ommunities with relatively computing ta.xes. In the case of Mound 11.28 Rosemount -5.08 <br />r e populations and relatively commercial and indllstrial prop- Mounds VIew 9.95 F'osevllle -8.47 <br />'N tax bases get additional reve- erty. it represents 3 percent of the New Brighton 4.05 St. Louis Park .3.44 <br />IS from this share-the-weaith first $100,000 of market value and New Hope 0.70 Shakopee -11.96 <br />tegy. Communities richer in slightly less than 5 percent of the North 51. Paul 23.14 Vadnais Heights -4.11 <br />I ustrial and commercial tax additional market value. Because Oakdale 11.90 <br />.lses often end up losing money. of an additional step in the taxing Prior lake 8.86 <br />I result, the fund has been a formula.' actual taxes paid are Ramsey 10.34 <br />point with some of the met- generally somewhat higher than Richfield 13.79 <br />) area's wealthier communities tax capacity. Robblnsdale 19.34 <br />- often western suburbs. The fiscal disparities act, 51. Paul 16.00 **NTC is total net tax capacity: a <br />~cCOrding to the Citizens passed in 1971, provides that 40 Savage 3.82 community's totavl valuation as <br />glle s~rvey. communities such percent of a municipality's annu- Shoreview 2.90 computed for tax purposes-for <br />, ioommgton, Shakopee, Eden al revenue increase from property South 51. Paul+ 27.03 taxes payable In 1996. This figure <br />rairifld Minnetonka are the taxes on industrial and commer- Stillwater 1.37 includes value in tax-increment <br />g sers this year. Bloom- cial property be pllt into a pool West Sl Paut 2.69 finance districts. <br />Ita, id the report, sacrificed and redistributed to municipal- White Bear Lake 10.01 + South SL Paul began contnbut- <br />lOre than 13 percent of its tax ities on the basis of their fiscal White Sear Township 4.04 ing for the first time in 1992, after <br />Clse for fiscal disparities. Eden capacity and population. Woodbury 0.13 a change in law. <br />lirie and Shakopee lost almost Source: Citizens League <br /> -- <br /> -- -- <br />