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<br />I <br />I. <br />I THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22.1996 <br /> SAI~T PAUL F <br />I COVERING THE COMMUNITIES OF: Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, Gem Lake, NORTH <br /> Lauderdale, Little Canada, Mounds View, New Slighton, North Oaks, Roseville, <br /> Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Lake, White Bear Township <br />1 Seniors will have two sites for dining <br />I Meals on Wheels and because they will be more accessi- show up ior dining. It's that im- <br /> ble," he said. portant to them." <br /> senior dining are serving Anderson agreed. The dining program serves se- <br />I about 190 people a day "I would be surprised if we niors in the school district tbat <br /> don't average 100 in senior dining includes Mounds View, Shoreview, <br /> pretty quickly," he said. New Brighton, Arden Hills, North <br /> BEN CHANCO STAFF WRITER Meals on Wheels is for seniors Oaks, Vadnais Heights and a small <br /> age 60 and over and for disabled portion of Roseville. <br />I A dining program that provides adults; senior dining is for seniors According to a 1995 community <br /> age 60 and older. People using the survey, of Shoreview's 25,000 resi. <br /> lunches for seniors in northern programs are asked for donations dents, 13 percent are ages 55 to <br />1 Ramsey County will be split be- to help pay for the meals, which 64, and 9 percent are 65 and older. <br /> tween two locations, ostensibly to cost $2.80 lor food, preparation In New Brighton, which has <br /> make it more convenient for the and containers. The average dona. 23,000 residents, Anderson esti. <br /> people it serves. tion made last year was $2.07 for mates about 5,000 seniors. <br />.. The split, which could come as Meals on Wheels, and $1.92 for He said younger seniors under <br /> early as May but no later than senior dining. age 70 tend to be more mobile, go <br /> June, affects senior dining. and Temali said the $2.80 does not on trips and cook for each other. <br /> Meals on Wheels provided by include the cost of administering "They most likely don't use se. <br /> Mounds View School District 621. the programs, which brings the to- nior dining because they don't <br />I "We will go with two dining need it:' Anderson said. "But it's <br /> sites," said Nick Temali, director "Even when the here when they need it." <br /> of community education, the office weather is bad and He said it will take the Family <br /> that administers the program. Service Center about two months <br />I The sites will be the Shoreview school closes for to get ready to handle the senior <br /> Community Center, the current the day, seniors dining program. <br /> home of senior dining, and the "We will need to make minor <br /> Family Service Center in New show up for dining. changes in our kitchen and get an <br />I Brighton, which asked last sum. additional refrigerator and freez. <br /> mer to be a dining site. It's that important er," Anderson said. <br /> "We're very glad about the to them." <br /> change:' said Maurie Anderson, <br />I . director of the New Brighton NICK TEMAU <br /> Parks and Recreation Depart. SCHOOL DISTRICT 62 I <br /> . ment, which runs the Family Ser. <br /> . vice Center. "We think it's a heck tal to $4.50 per meal. The pro. <br />I _ of a service for our seniors." grams are primarily federally <br /> Temali said moving part of supported: $14,000 a year for se- <br /> . Meals on Wheels out of Shoreview nior dining and $43,000 for Meals <br /> to t'iew Brighton will mean warm- on Wheels. In addition, Ramsey <br />I : er meals for those living closer to County contributes $27,000 a year <br /> . the Family Service Center. for Meals on Wheels. <br /> "It also will make it easier for Temali said the dining program <br /> : the volunteers who deliver the is designed to provide nutritious <br />I : meals," he said. meals for seniors at least once a <br /> Temali said Meals on Wheels day, Monday through Friday. I <br /> . currently delivers about 120 "It also provides the opportunity <br />f' . lunches a day, and senior dining for seniors to get out of the house <br /> : serves 65 to 70 people. and socialize," he said. "Even <br /> "We think those numbers will go when the weather is bad and <br /> up when we have the two sites school closes for the day, seniors <br />I <br />