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<br /> ---- <br /> DiP ..' I <br /> /J.}.AFT <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 5.1996 8 I <br /> .. <br /> 3. Provision of screening material on the fence, as described in the applicant's request; <br /> 4. Relocation of the existing plant materials to the area adjacent to the outside of the <br /> fence; and I <br /> 5. Provision of yellow diagonal striping, north of the curbing on the north side ofthe <br /> new air conditioning system. I <br />A recess was taken at 8:53 p.m. <br />PUBLIC HEARING CASE #96-05 CONTROL DATA 4201 LEXINGTON AVENUE PUD I <br />AND MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />Chair Erickson opened tile public hearing at 8:56 p.m. I <br />Mr. Ringwald stated the applicant was requesting approval of a PUD Master Plan and preliminary I <br />plat minor subdivision. He stated that Control Data Corporation (CDC) has evolved from a <br />manufacturing facility into an office/research use. He stated there are a vast number of empty <br />parking stalls because of this, as there are not shift workers that require the extensive overlap of I <br />parking stalls. He also noted the CDC has downsized its operations, and has leased or sold <br />peripheral portions of its campus to other users. .. <br />Mr. Ringwald stated Cardiac Pacemakers Incorporated (CPI) leases 95,000 square feet in the campus <br />and can lease an additional 19,000. I <br />Mr. Ringwald stated the PUD Master Plan required resolving several issues which were raised in the <br />review of Planning Case 95-09 and 11 (CSMlDynamark). I <br />a. Dedication of an east/west street along the south edge of Parcel B; <br />b. Allocation of parking and required open space for all sites; I <br />c. Expansion and permanent access to Cummings Park; and I <br />d. Signage. <br />Mr. Ringwald than summarized the staff memorandum of June 5, 1996. I <br />Mr. Ringwald stated that staff recommends approval of Planning Case 96-05, PUD Master Plan, I <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Land Uses allowed by this PUD shall those land uses described in the applicants land use I <br /> chart (Exhibit A, page 3 of 21). Except, that the percentage to which the existing land uses -- <br /> currently exist on the site shall be adhered to or provisions are made for additional parking; <br /> I <br /> -- <br />