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<br />I' .","" ":J <br /> Vi- ,\ fi"-r <br /> ,~~ !1-~ t'::"'':'a J""l . <br />I ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JI)NE 5 1996 9 <br />I- 2. Lot Coverage shall be a maximum 000 percent and Parcel A-I and C may be viewed jointly <br />I in determining the lot coverage; <br /> 3. Floor Area Ratio shall be a maximum of 0.6 and Parcels A-I and C may be viewed jointly <br />I in determining the lot coverage; <br /> 4. Landscape Lot Area shall be 25 percent for Parcels A-I and C and 35 percent for Parcel A-2. <br />I Also, the three Key Landscape Elements as described by Exhibit A, page 21 of 21, shall be <br /> protected from disturbance; <br />I 5. Parking for Parcels A-I and C shall be determined to have a current surplus of 171 parking <br /> spaces and Parcel A-2 shall be determined to have a current surplus of 41 parking spaces, <br />I Also, the row of parking stalls adjacent to Femwood Avenue shall be eliminated and <br /> replaced with landscaping. The landscaping is to be reviewed by the Planning Commission <br /> and consideration for approval by the City Council. The landscaping shall receive approval <br />I by the City, prior to any further site plan approvals are granted on Parcels A-I, A-2, or C; <br /> 6. Park dedication for land shall be granted and/or fees in lieu of dedication shall be determined <br />Ie by the City Council after consideration and recommendation by the Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee; <br />I 7. Signage shall be limited to the current level of signage, including the off-premise sign which <br /> may be relocated onto the CDC campus; <br />I 8. Architectural Design shall be consistent with the applicant's description on Exhibit A, page <br /> 5 of21 and the requirements of the City Code, whichever is greater; <br />I 9. Skyway from the CDC campus (southwest part) and the CPI campus is acceptable, subject <br /> to City review and approval of the construction, aesthetics, and distribution ofliabilities of <br />I the skyway; and <br /> 10. Utilities shall be govemed by the rules and regulations applicable at the time of review. <br />I Mr. Ringwald stated that staff recommends approval of Planning Case 96-05, preliminary minor <br /> subdivision, subject to the following conditions: <br />I 1. Provision of the necessary drainage and utility easements, prior to Planning Commission <br /> consideration of the final minor subdivision; <br />I 2. Provision of the necessary vehicular cross access easements, prior to Planning Commission <br />~ consideration of the final minor subdivisions; and <br />I <br /> --- <br />