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<br />Ll IV N~W b~10hiJN I t.L: tl..)oLU44 JUi i 1 'jC 1~;4~ NO.UU6 ~.U4 . <br /> Slate mo~y irai1l.ll from \he le6ls11ltlon t;OOll!lonly n:krrod 10 Il3 "M1Shty J)ueu" may he made avaIl- <br /> able: fur Ihis ploj~. In lWll'. """I:> p~"tj' wi!! comply wIth ,....""""ble f'eq".t!15 of MASC ,,, .pply- <br /> in. for such gralllS and li\lCil vanlS ~ IDay be awi1Me4 will be III ad(lJtlOll to !he DOWNPAYMENT <br /> rctelTed to above. <br /> 80ND FINANCING . <br /> MASC will use Its best efforts W >>tIl:un: nei fww><::il\$ ava/lable fur CUftlltnlCtlon in the IImounl of at <br /> Ie;;t $6.000.000 (Six mllllOll doll.".) froro Anoka Coullty. <br /> i:iach party ",HI couf'<<lI4e with Ar~!;a CoUllI)' llm! wi!! r..norm ~.!dl ('('"",nanIO .nrl nhll11litl(\M as It <br /> UndenalcCB to Anoka County. T'""ne liiiililol QjM.mng b;dgeu for the fllClliLY lJ1alllllCludc \tlllOUnlB nec- <br />-', DS~ary to pay debt aervice on tile bonlj&. Ai de.;c..i.lleL1 below WIder USE, woe punies l=w will be <br />" ohllllated. to make cenaln fixlld rental paymenta for a apeclficd amOllni or Ice time In iiliIOunU which <br /> , <br /> will cumulatively provide for tile payment or all ~ and debt service costs of ilia arena. <br /> If for any R8ion, (Ineln(lin! refuftal of II party to make CO\'cnllJlts deemed DSsentilli by Anoka Cwnty) <br /> bond fln9""!118 is DOl seturt4. !hU !!g!Wmenl shall be ,"oid IlI1d aU of the cl6h dowapayments RhalI be <br />'- rofllod04 to tli9 p..-Joi ;"cept fo: $5.000 from e!!Ch P!!.!1y, ruelpt of which by MASC Is hel'eby <br /> ackDQwlcdpd is iIllliilOil:iit iiepij-alil fiOlIllllld In lIddluCll to l..':e dOW!!Pll)'mMt re<p..1ired uDder 9MCI- <br /> Ifaph IV. <br /> V. FACILlTYOPEltATION '\ <br /> . .;- ;. <br /> ~ A. OWNERSHIP '}\~/'&'~ <br /> \. Title 10 ll.!1 relll e~\iI.e, wll.l be held In the name of !hc MASC. nIle 10 buUdhlls. t1xlUEOslUld ""fuip' <br /> :l'.:o./lt 1' In !hi! lIiICl:ment all!!! be Mid In the name Anok.a County until the bonds b.av~ bun <br /> fully retl.~. . <br /> B. LlABll1Fi <br /> For purposes of lhis a&reelIlCnt MASC shall be the operalor of llie facllllY Ilnd iliil1 be responsible <br /> tor IIll operlltiotull docWOIlJI which IIUI)' giv~. ri<lfl tn tmt liability by reason of the operation of [he <br /> facility. M.4.NSS. Blaine, Coon RvpidA 8Ild FOS1..P shall be liable only for obllaaliollB undertaken <br /> by them pur5uant to contract MASC may prowre ~u~1I iu.UI""'.:c o. ClcglO proc;ocd UDder <br /> MlMeSota Stll1e Tort Lillbillty Ac:t ill It deems approprillle. - <br /> - <br /> C. STAl'I'lNO A."m OPEaATING <br /> MASC will hUe. supervise and cool'll.il1alC 1111 pc:m.anent and temporary staff' nece"l11",jI lIIld CXllIVOo . <br /> L nienllO opel'llUllhe facility. For pulj>O'CS of ~I opera1inll MASC mlt}' mu.u . <br />"' such rewmftblt: ftllocationa of the overall expense opIl'Ilt/on of thc National Spom Center cxpenKc <br /> . 10 tho facUity as fllirly represent !he cost of a111111ff petformina work on behalf of Of beneficial to I <br /> !he fac1Uty. MASC UIlIy iI\ III sole dlllCretlon doloptc the optnlllonH of lb. facility to the National <br /> Sporu c..ter FOUIIdatioD. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> 2 .- <br /> - <br /> I <br />