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<br /> 'L,;~Y NeW i:H<.iIJMI iji'-i i t.L . O~'0"::':U44 )Ui 11 'jt) 1~.4o r~0.Uvb ~.U~ <br /> D. POLICY :e= - ~ <br /> There shall be a IlOatd or au'Cctor& COlIs18 o( one member appuln\.Oll (or CICCied~ ll\c <br /> partif/ito this qreemeDI. The board shall 'Re slIeh JMIw_ao.--.tollirtxrtbls agreement <br /> e and/or tile bolld doc\ll1lll\u hlCllIdhI&: <br /> I. Establishing procedUIf>5 for !be flllr and equitable exercise of rights reiallng 10 thiJi IlJrccro=n1. <br /> 2. Al'PlOval of iiI1 i1m1l.ial ope.-ating budget cUllsh!ellt with IhIH agreement ond Ih~ hnnrl (\1\t!1I. <br /> mull. <br /> 3. Establishing fair iUld equitable use and programminJ policicK and procedures not covcre4 by <br /> and nOI i!ll;QlIliistent with this asreement snd \he bond doell_DU. <br /> 4. Detetmlni1lS flllllDClal reserves nOI inton~ililent with this .g~nt "Ie! UK: bond documenlli <br /> p\ll1llell! Ie eeclion V-G of this ~t. <br /> E. USE <br /> I. Rij5h1l Ilnd abllpliOlU ... oebcdulln. j.,., tim... <br /> Each paIt)' clcepl MASC shaH bave a priority rigill to schedule ''prime'' lime liS hetelnatter <br /> deflned for one uf tho four Icll surfaces. Such right may be exercised by the party on such <br /> tenn.., c<ln,Ii'inns IInrllenSth of nntlce a~ cleIetmined hy the hnard of dirttlMt. <br /> MAS<: sh!l1l have a prIQtlty ",Ill W $Cl1IIdu~ III ruur k:\I .u~ tur Il1e munm. ot 1une, Jul)' <br /> and Allg'oISt. MASe also has p!loI1ty tor all four l<< Ie;: surfaces for the AlI....merlcllll Girls' &. <br /> Women's Ice Hockey ToW1llUllCllt (four days In O<:tober lllU!Ior November each year) to the <br /> ~\. extent of 210 hours and . Chrlslmai TolltlllUDolnt W be held b<ltwoon Chrlwuas Day and New <br /> . ~rJ~)(! Yom Day each year for up to 3SZ holll'5 of i\:C Lime. III ..wiuuo, OllCh vther plLl't}' beillle. <br /> 0-;) ~4~ MASC lIhaU be enllllcd to ~uling priorily for wi four ice surfaus for lhe purpose of holo- <br /> In, I toUrJ1Nllj:lll rcquirin, all fOIlf ~urflCeA for one weekend durill, "HiJll Scll'OIl" (defined as <br /> (t October 15 10 March 15 of each sellon) on such tenns and concllllons as the boLtrd of <br /> . d1RlCluI1i -'\\A approJld~. <br /> Each pany I. obligated to secure rental Income fl.'f tM fllCillly ll1ln\llll1y in an IlIIIOIIDI atlCllllt <br /> - ~.qual to tht- "regula, Murly nT~" (.."'gllla. ht\ll.1y rare" after the flntl )'!' Ihlllllr. elI'lIhll~ <br /> by MASC and Included ii'l1 projected opesldng budiel which shall be SllbmlUCd by MASC to <br /> I the bOard .IIOlllt 90 dlYs prlOlIO the end of ClIl:h calendar)'Cllf. 11' lI1c: lxllltd detenn!llC:S that <br /> Ille oxpenses life included which IW nlll I'OlIIODlIbly n<<:ess;uy to operate lbe fllCility the bolIn1 <br /> may objecl to the p~ budpl alllllllllliO daya prlor 10 the end of the calendar year. In the <br /> I eveDt thut the MASC and tha Boud arc ulable to a~, tho quesc10n of the l'Cuonablen_ of <br /> the <>pentin, budgel shall be submlucd to binding arbltrlllion lICCOl'ding to the Nlcs of the <br /> Amerlclll Albitralion AsJO<:lali<m.) times, two thoUSand and eIghty (2,Ol!U) hOUn. klr purposes <br /> I of dlI& ~nt, Ill; u#8ular houriy I'Ite" shall be at leasl one hundred twMIY five <br /> ($1~.00Jhr) cIolllI'I per bow' for the fitsl year of this aare&1IllI1l1. The rental ~mo obllgalloa <br /> of ClCb pany shall a;:auG lIiOCordwllO Sdll:dull: A (illCOlpO~ IIl1d 1NIl~ II part of tlli~ .,reo- <br /> I mcnt), <br /> I. 3 <br /> I <br /> I <br />