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<br /> lIlY Nt~ ~Kl~HIUN It.L:O,)t:..o:U44 ) u 1 11 jO 1~:4~ NO .UUt: ~.Ub <br /> _. <br /> IX. ALIENATION OF Iro'TEJlE!lT <br /> Any Pvtl uta)' scu, panJuon or Ali~ ii3 ~"Wi""ii' ii". ~h.: r...~Uit.)' or in this 113~4n~t to any other <br /> party to t:h.h ~lDCfJl OD such IerIlU .nci condilions as they may ag,.--ee among t.~;:,,~!v:~. No p!..rty <br /> sllalIll1leltlpt 10 or sell. panltloll or allenale lt5 inleal Inulc iacHity or ill 1018 "8rwiiient to il non-partJ <br /> wimol,!( fInt offering iuch Inlt!re~IIO tilt. other {IlITIi... In 1111~ Agreement under .w:11 tz:rm. conwiion. Wi . <br /> <! p.~.A!l.r!!! 8l! may be detennined by lhe board of dircc;lOt'8. If the board of direclorll [ai1l1O enllCt <br /> ~ prccc:;!\:= ~a cOMltlom for mare IMII 60 days lltt&r notl~ll of Imenllu dllcD~lI> given lu Ille <br /> bOllll1 at ta~ ad41'S;; of !'.-t"SC, The pLrty may !'ell. partlLion or alienate Irs InterC1lt as it sees fit. <br /> X. "MENUM&illl~ <br /> This, aJrOOment may not be amcudw cx<.~ by untU1in".GU& VC~ of th: \:ndersi:ned or meir lucce'mrl <br /> In offieo 01' lDtcrest . the cue may be. <br /> X. STAn AlIDITS <br /> Thl! book~, ~ords. cIocuments and accounting procedUre8 &lid practices of the COr.'TRAcroR rele- <br /> VlllI! 10 th18 C\IlllTlu;1 ,l.lll!l !Je subjcct to clIamlni&lion by lhe conltactlng dopar1ment und Lile Legi~i.w_ <br /> Auditor. <br /> XL END OF TERM.JUGBT 07lUtNKWAL <br /> If at the end of the lenn of thj. qreement. MASC in ill; sol8 discretion elects 10 continue to operate <br /> ~ facilit)' as at least a rour s\ll'fac:c ICe lInIl1!l \lll~b pm)' lllil)' renew In IlChcduling rlghl6 punu".uIIIJ <br /> the fullowial wms and coadiUODS. <br /> A. No funher suaranllx:a uC ron~ revenue lLIl> raquirod from the party <br /> B. MASC In ~ $ule disctetl.on will e8tabllsh te&SOnable operating lIIlll capital reseryC!i. <br /> C. "Profits" above tbose ~uircd for opcnIting rcSC....ll purposes shall be dlAtrlbuted pro rata to lhe <br /> paniCS under such tenn8 IIIld wulll\iulIS .... aie delermlllod by 1M boud of dlrc;ctal'll. . <br /> P. Each party llUly ~new its rights twice for coosecutive fiyc yell\' elltensiona. <br /> E. If a part)' elccts nol be renew Its scheduling rights lit the end of the orlglnal or extended term of this <br /> agreements that party will be paid Irs pro nlta 8ftare of me openlllnK !lnd ClIplUll iUlPIVVClllCJlI <br /> reactve aa:ounU ll:u! shall hive no fu!\Jltr rights or interest in the fadllty. - <br /> P. Other cca>ol1llblc tertWlllnl1 <:ondltlona lIIIO pru~_G mlY be impn...d by lhe board ot dir.-elon - <br /> rolaliDS 10 renllwal or non renewal of scheduling rights. . <br /> - <br /> Date Auomey GeIIfJIlIl I <br /> I <br /> Date Commlll$ of AdmlnistMion <br /> I <br /> Date City of MOUlldtvle.... <br /> 6 .- <br /> - <br /> I <br />