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<br /> J l~,( ~,tlu lWll.JH I UN ILL :i).)oLU44 Jul 11 "to <br /> 1-):41~ NO.UUo ~'.u~ <br /> Prior to \he pi)'meili of ~ OOWNrAYMENT portJOll Qf the financ1l1g MASC will submit u pro. <br /> po&ed delisn to tho olhcr pmtles. 1116 design ;lWl provIde for four (4) Olympic sized Ice l1urillCell with <br /> e permanent scatiDI capaclly of not lellS than 400 iUt5 per rInk and ptuvisioll for at !~llst 400 temporary <br /> seat which arc available for use at any one of the rinir.l. In liUulHoii. the ~ wi!! ?n:l'!!(!~ !l<:le.q!la~ly <br /> for equIpment. loolcf!r mom., concessions and toilet lIlOlI!Ill1lQ aii other i~ and equipment reasonablY <br /> neceS!!.!'Y (!,Ir the operation of tho facllil)'. <br /> feel: ~"t>, 811.11 !lIve !U \eall 30 IIIlYJ lu,,,vlew the propoocd dnisn. Aner thi. 30 day n:v~" period, <br /> "'lASe il".ay ~=:! p:~!lt of the poWNPAYMENT. ponlon of the flnanc1l1g. pUYlm'nlln fUll of <br /> the DO"'NPAYME.~ il".:;m~ 1!lll! the ~!"po~ de\lisn i.lWl.1CpIOd of thaI party. Failure to pay wilhln <br /> 30 <lAy. after cle\tWl1l 1119_ tl",iil1l-~ p~-;y f~i!i::; to ~~'1 hi; w!!hd!'llWn from thi~ AerMment Ind thi~ <br /> agroeme:atlhall be void IS to III pattlei. <br /> Tf the required DOWNPAYMENTS are made. MASC will cause lhe iiiclllL)' w be ;;Uiii;(tuctcd lubstan- <br /> nany In eccordancc with the propo&ed dc6ip. <br /> SUb=UI!!!.W llitlllili,;al;on. not incTUAItIS \he ovcr~lI co~t of tho fa~lllty tnUy be mllde by a m~ority "ole <br /> of tlla Boan! of l)l_~to!'!. <br /> SUDlt8Dlial modificatiOll' to lh" de.dan which 1I1~!e! the overall cost of the facility mav be made <br /> only after a W1IIIi~ vOle uf the Board of Dlrecton. <br /> VII. EXPANSION <br /> MASC shall have !he right 10 e~pand !he numbar of ~ cheelll un i.. propetT)/l>o>ynncl milt flNlvided <br /> that: <br /> . U auch expo"';"" is physIcally CQllnectcd to this facility all plllties shall hl~ pro nlla tight of firsl <br /> refusal to purchase additioniilllCohedulir.; :nl! progrll..'m!'lnll riShl1 on such tenn8 lII1d condition a a. lIll! <br /> otrtrelI by MMe. <br /> Exception: 11 is contemplated lhat MASC in COllllcction willi nOillclng the con<ullCtlon of this facilily. <br /> DIllY mllke oettllin covenllltl to Anoka COllnty in connection with the operation of Columbia Ice Arena. <br /> - In sucb case. MASC shall be permitted to fulfill its covenanlll iii a priority over rights granted by this <br /> piilijjl1lPh. <br /> - <br /> VIIL PUAULTS <br /> . If llllY pany dcfll\llu Oil III1Y or Ita obllgader,:: under thi$ ";tMment a,,(i ouch defalllt c:nntlnIJ'" for a <br /> - period I.D elli;llSI of 30 days WI wriUcil nutice I. mailed to such party, the other parties shall have right <br /> .., of fiBt refusal on all of tbe defllultin& pan)"1 useIJ. liabtlitlel, rljba and obUgatlon. In cI.'nnc<.'II..." <br /> I with the f~n;,y and this Ili1Umenl. under such IUIllS. con/iluollti llIliIpiooeduro& lIS lite delermined by <br /> the boIItd of dircclorll. If no othor part)' aA81Imt:s the UAeta, liabilities. rigOO Illld obligations of the <br /> defaulting party, MASC nIl)" dlspolC of them in .uch mIlllller ... it ....... fit. <br /> I BJ ,f .D,~47'! ~M~~ <br /> . <br /> I <br /> .. s <br /> I <br />