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<br />----------- -------- <br /> I <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION -AUGlJST 12.1996 2 I <br />Mayor Probst and staff reviewed 1997 staff salary assumptions, with 1997 range moves .. <br />proj ected at a 3 % increase. <br />At the Council Worksession scheduled for August 19, 1996, staff and Council will review I <br />line item budgets by department, and information for review of Special Revenue, Capital, I <br />and Enterprise Funds. <br />Staff reminded the Council that the Preliminary Levy figures cannot increase once the Levy I <br />is certified. Councilmembers discussed whether or not to allow for any additional flexibility <br />in Preliminary Levy figures. <br />Councilmember Hicks discussed whether the Council should consider a 1-2% Net Levy I <br />increase to accelerate Pavement Management Program (PMP) activities. Mayor Probst <br />concurred that perhaps several options should be available for the Council to consider as the I <br />Council proceeds into the Truth and Taxation hearings. <br />Staff stated that the current proposed 1997 Pavement Management activities were currently I <br />budgeted at $150,000, and a 2% Levy increase would provide an additional $35,900, which <br />would in turn increase the scope of the PMP by approximately 24%. <br />Miscellaneous Items .. <br />Mayor Probst advised Councilmembers and staff that he would not be available for the I <br />Worksession scheduled for August 19, 1996. <br />Mayor Probst brought an article to the attention of Accountant Post regarding bonding and yield I <br />burning. <br />Councilmember Hicks asked stafffor a status report on the change in administrative office hours. I <br />City Administrator Fritsinger responded that the majority of comments had been favorable - both <br />from the standpoint of staff and the general public. Mr. Fritsinger expressed comments from <br />some of the general public regarding their appreciation of the later Monday through Thursday I <br />office closing hour of 5:30 p.m. <br />Adjourn I <br />The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. <br /> . <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> . <br />