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<br /> ... ~. <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION -AUGUST 12. 1996 2 . <br />c. Administrator Reports -. <br /> City Administrator Fritsinger advised the Council that the grievance filed by Local #49 . <br /> regarding lunch schedules would be going to mediation. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger also advised the Council that another location or rescheduling would be I <br /> required for the September 9,1996 Council meeting. Council directed staff to find <br /> another location for the September 9th meeting as scheduled. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger advised the Council that the Quad Ice Arena proposed for location in . <br /> Blaine was still pending, and that a joint meeting of all four City Councils was scheduled <br /> for August 28, 1996, with formal action by the Arden Hills City Council to be considered I <br /> at their September 9th regular meeting. The majority of the Councilmembers were <br /> unable to commit to the August 28th meeting due to prior commitments. <br /> Councilmember Hicks requested a status report on tile Gene Schmidt assessment; and I <br /> City Accountant Post advised that a formal resolution would be available for Council <br /> consideration at the August 26th regular meeting. Mr. Post advised that one outstanding . <br /> appeal remained from a single Oak A venue residence. <br />d. Councilmember Reports eI <br /> Upon arrival of Councilmember Keirn, discussion took place regarding the Lake Johanna <br /> Fire Department's recent parking lot renovations. Ms. Keirn advised Councilmembers I <br /> and staff that she had reviewed the site, and the Fire Department had made vast <br /> improvements in drainage of the existing lot. She stated that a miscommunication <br /> problem seemed to have developed between the Fire Department and their Consultant . <br /> (MSA) regarding permit requirements. <br /> Community Development Director, Kevin Ringwald, advised Councilmembers that this I <br /> issue was an agenda item for the Planning Commission at their meeting of September 4, <br /> 1996. He stated that neighbors were concerned regarding the proposed proximity of the <br /> parking lot to their properties on the northeast side, and potential devaluation of extra lots I <br /> owned by some residents. The normal setback requirement of 75 feet for the parking lot <br /> would have provided for placement of a landscaping buffer. <br /> Councilmembers questioned the number of parking spaces actually required for the Fire I <br /> Department, considering the frequency of use by the full Department, and NIr. Ringwald I <br /> reminded Councilmembers that the Fire Department's Special Use Permit permitted Fire <br /> Department-related activities only to occur at Fire Station No. I. <br />EDUCATION UPDATE . <br /> Councilmembers expressed appreciation in being kept updated on pending legislation and .. <br /> other items, through staff providing copies of the League of Minnesota Citii?s BlIlli?tin. <br /> I <br />