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<br /> .r <br /> Bylaws of the RMAA I <br /> Page 2 -, <br /> 2. The Public Works Director of the City of Fridley shall serve as Coordinator of the "Association" <br /> unless and until a successor Coordinator is designated as provided in Section 5, below. I <br /> 3. Each member shall pay $10.00 on January 31 of each year to the member city or county currently <br /> designated to provide the services of the Coordinator, as reimbursement for the costs of I <br /> providing those services. <br /> 4. The Public Works Director of the City of Bloomington shall serve as Chairman at the annual I <br /> meeting, unless and until a successor chairman is designated as provided in Section 5, below. <br /> 5. The members of the "Association" by a majority vote at a regular or special meeting may I <br /> designate a successor Cc"rdinator or Chairman. The Coordinator and Chairman so designated <br /> shall serve until a successor is again designated by majority vote at a regular or special meeting. <br /> 6. The members of the "Association" by a majority vote at a regular or special meeting may amend I <br /> the fee established by Section 3. Any other amendment to these Bylaws shall require a two- <br /> thirds vote of all the members of the "Association", and must first be proposed in writing to the <br /> members at a regular meeting. I <br /> ARTICLE V. Meetings .. <br /> 1. The regular meeting of the "Association shall be held in November of each year, at a time and <br /> place determined by the Coordinator and Chairman. I <br /> 2. Special meetings shall be called by the Chairman with at least seven days' notice to the <br /> membership. I <br /> 3. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. <br /> 4. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern. I <br /> 5. Each member shall have one vote. I <br /> 6. The purpose of meetings of the "Association" shall be to provide an opportunity for discussion <br /> of the procedures through which members provide assistance to each other and ways to improve I <br /> those procedures and to correct problems that may have been encountered, and to share <br /> information about public works equipment and procedures. The members may adopt <br /> recommendations to the city councils of the member cities and counties for amendments to the I <br /> "Agreement" that may be necessary or advisable to better serve the purposes of the "Agreement". <br /> I <br /> .. <br /> 11/96 Page 2 <br /> I <br /> i <br /> , <br />