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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> /A- ractices Permitted. No peddler or solicitor shall <br /> enter in or upon any premises or attempt to enter <br /> / in or upon any premises wherein a sign or placard <br /> ~ bearing the notice, "Peddlers or Solicitors <br /> Prohibited," or language similar thereto, is <br /> located. <br /> <br /> B. Refusing to Leave. It shall be unlawful for any <br /> peddler, solicitor or transient merchant to enter <br /> upon premises owned, leased or rented by another <br /> and refuse to leave such premises after having been <br /> notified by such owner or occupant to leave. <br /> <br /> C. Misrepresentation. It shall be unlawful for any <br /> 1 peddler, solicitor or transient merchant to make <br /> false or traudulent statements concerning the <br /> quality of the goods or services which are being <br /> <br /> offered for sale. <br /> <br /> Section 18-15. Hours of Operation. It shall be unlawful for any <br /> peddling or soliciting within the City between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 <br /> a.m. the following morning, except by specific appointment with and <br /> invitation from the perspective customer. <br /> <br /> Section 18-17. Duration. Every permit issued under the provisions <br /> of this chapter shall be valid for the period of time stated <br /> therein, but in no event shall any such permit be issued for a <br /> period of time in excess of thirty (30) days. <br /> <br /> Section 18-19. False Information. It shall be unlawful for any <br /> reason to give any false or misleading information in connection <br /> with the application for permit. <br /> <br /> Section 18-21. Misdemeanor. Any violation of this Chapter shall <br /> be a misdemeanor. Each day on which such violation continues shall <br /> constitute a separate offense. <br /> <br /> Section 18-23. Revocation. Any permit issued on the provisions of <br /> this chapter may be revoked by the City Administrator for a <br /> violation of any provision of this chapter. <br /> <br /> Section 18-25. Penalty. Any person violating any provision of <br /> this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. <br /> <br /> Section 18-27. Severability. If any part or provision of this <br /> Chapter or the application thereof to any person, entity, or <br /> circumstances shall be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by any <br /> court of competence jurisdiction, such judgement shall be confined <br />