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<br /> <br /> <br /> LICENSE3 t t3•87 <br /> g 13.93 ARDEN HiLLS CODL <br /> <br /> Approuing Body, $ecs. 13-71-18•82. Reeerved. <br /> Department Actiuity or OJ/icer ARTICLE III. LIMITED, TEMPURARY PERMIT$' <br /> <br /> Group picnics/camping Perk director and clerk- <br /> administrator Sec. 13•83. Required, <br /> ltinerelnt vendora CitY council Before any pereon shep engage in or operaCe sny activity <br /> Newspaper diatribution lo- Police department end clerk- within the city which ehell be for a limited time period or of <br /> cations administrator e temporary neture ae mentioned and provided far in this <br /> Roadside atanda Clerk-edministratot erticle, he shall first obtain a permit therefor. (Res, No, <br /> (Ord. No. 217, S 17,12-29•80) 76-7, 1-26-76) <br /> Nole-See the editor's nol,e following 1 13-80. <br /> Sec. 13-84. Applicatfon. <br /> Sec. 13-94. Llmit on duration and occasion of garage Any person desiring a permit required by the provisiona <br /> eB~eB' of thie article shall make application therefor to the <br /> Eech bnutique or garage sale at a private home shall he clerk-administrator, (Rea. No. 76-7, 1•26•76) <br /> limited to three (3) days or iess in duretion, and no more <br /> than two (2) such salea shall be permitted to eny one Sec. 13•86. R'e[ver af feee. <br /> homeowner per year. (Ord. No. 217, § 18, 12-29-80) . <br /> Note-See lhe editor'e note foflowing S 13-90• Fees required for permits under the provisions ot this <br /> erticle may be waived by the councii for achools, nonproGt <br /> Sec, 13-96. ltinerant vendore subJect to Chapter 18, organizetiona, governmentsl agenciea, and atmilar inatitu- <br /> ' tions or argenizations, provided it firat adopts a resolution <br /> All itinerant vendor permittees shall be subject to the aetting forth the reesons for such waiver. (Res. No. 76-7, <br /> proviaiona of Chepter 18 of thie Code. (Ord. No. 217, § 19, 1-26-76) <br /> 12•29-80) <br /> Note-See the editor'e nole tollowing § 13-80• Sec. 13-86. IBauflllCe. <br /> Secs. 13-86-13-100. Reserved. Permits required by the provisions of this article shall be <br /> Editor'e note-Section 20 ot Ord. No. 217, enected Dec. 29, tsao, issued upon payment of such fee as is required for the <br /> repeeled former 1113-96-13-100, which pertained lo perm+t tees for garege particular activity in a resolution frOm time to time adopl.ed <br /> by the council, and approval as provided.herein. (Res. No. <br /> sales, grouQ picnics end cemping, itinerent vendors, newsPaper diAtribul.ion <br /> locations and roadaide aEanda, end derived fram Res. No. 76•7, 2, 3, e, 9 76-7, 1-26-76; Ord. No. 217, § 14, 12-29-80) <br /> and 10, enected Jen. 28,1978• <br /> Sec. 13-87. Uuration. <br /> Permits issued under the provisions of this article shall be <br /> valid for the period of time atated therein, (Res. No. 76•7, <br /> 1-26-76) <br /> 'Croee refereeoee-Dumping permit, g 11•41 et eeq.; mobile home <br /> (The next page ie 7711 permit, § 14•41 et eeq.; peddlere, § 18-18 et eeq. <br /> 8upp. No. 3 750 9upp. No. 3 747 <br />