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<br /> <br /> § 13-88 ARDEN HIL19 CODE LICEN9E3 . 613-93 <br /> <br /> Sec. 13-88. Additlonal regulatlona. '8eo. 18-92. Activitlee for wblch permit fee aol re- <br /> quired. <br /> The city council mey impose additional regulationa <br /> governing eny permit required by the proviaione of thie The activities for which permit fees ahall nat be required, <br /> article as it may determine to be in the public interest. (Rea. but nevertheless a permit ahall be required, ere es fullows: <br /> No. 76-7. 1-26-76) (a) Installation or construction of courteey benches and <br /> shelters; <br /> Sec. 13-89. Cancelletion. <br /> Any permit isaued under the proviaiona of this ertiGle may (b) Purchase of fireworka end aperation of firewc~rks <br /> be cancelled by the city council if auch canceltation ia ~~sP~aY or program; <br /> determined to be in the public intereat. (Rea. No. 76-7, (c) Boutique or gerage sale; <br /> 1-26-76) ' (d) Newapaper distcjbution locatione; and <br /> Sec. 13-90. Permit teee eatablished by reaolution. (e) Casual roadaide stand on owner's property. (Ord. No. <br /> The permit feea for e permit to engege in the folfowing 217, § 16, 12-29-80) <br /> lypes of activitiea ahall be ss established from time to time Nota-3ee the editor's note following f 13•90. <br /> in a resolution adopted by the council: 8ec. 18-93. By whom approvels nre required. <br /> (a) Christmas tree salea; Approval of en epplication for a permit to engage in lhe <br /> following type c~f activity ahall be grented by the bocly, <br /> (b) Circuses snd carnivals; department or officer of the city Indicated acroae tfierefrom <br /> (c) Commercig) advertising diatribution; In the following echedule• <br /> (d) Flea marketa and commercial sidewalk aelea; Approuing Body, <br /> (e) Group picnice and camping; end i Department <br /> (f) ltinerant vendors. (Ord. No. 217, § 15, 12-29-80) Activity or OJjicer Edltor's note-Sectlons 16-19 ot Ord. No. 217, enacted Dec. 29, 1980, Circuaes and carnivela £t1,y tOttriCil <br /> amended ff 13-80 and 13•92-13-95 to read as herein set forth. Formerly Cotnmercial advertising dis- Police departtnent and clerk- <br /> said seclions set forth permit feea end epplication epproval requiremente Lilbutlop adminiatreto~ <br /> for Chriatmas tree salee, commerclei advertiring distributfon, coutlesy <br /> benchee end shelters, fireworkr diepley and putchaee, and Ilea marttets and tnst9118tlOd ot construc- Police department and clerk- <br /> commercie) sidewalk teles. 3aid provlaiona derived from Rea. No. 78-7, Sf tlon of courtesy benches adminiatrator <br /> 4, 5, 6, 7 end 1l, enocted Jan. 26, 1976. or shelters <br /> F'irewarks purchase/dis- City c~r~ci! <br /> Sec. 13-81. Iteeerved. ptay <br /> Editor's note-Former S 13-91, which pertalned to permit leea and r' (ea markets/commercial C1ty cxlYtluC1l <br /> epplicetiona for circuseA and cernivele, hee been deleted by the editor ea sidewalk sales <br /> being supereeded by the provieione of ¢4 13-80 and 13-93, ae amended by BoUtlQue/get6ge 89l8 at Police department and clerk- <br /> Ord. No. 217. $s 16 and 17, enacted Dec. 29, 1980. The deleled provisions prlvale holtle administrator <br /> derived from Rea. No. 78-7, 1 1, enacted Jen. 26, 1978. <br /> Supp. No. 3 SupR No. 3 <br /> 748 749 <br />