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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular council Meeting, 6-11-90 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />STUDY (Cont'd) Malone moved,. seconded by Hansen, to enact a <br />in the area encompassed on the Iand Use Plan suhnitted by <br />Planning Commission in their Lexington Avenue Study, bounded on the North by <br />Highway I-694, on the west by 'lH-51 , on the south by County Road E and on the <br />east by :Lexington Avenue, for the purpose of developing zoning ordinance <br />amendments, zoning districts and rezoning in the study area, and that the <br /> remain in place until the rezoning is completed. Motion carried <br />unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Malone m:JVed, seconded by Growe, that Council direct <br />staff, Plarming Commission and Planner Bergly to review the Zoning Ordinance and <br />to begin Rezoning of the Lexington Avenue study Area and to establish development <br />guidelines in a=rdance with the recommendations for Rezoning as outlined by the <br />Planning Commission report. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Malone moved, seconded by Mahawald, to direct staff and <br />the Plarmer to contact Financial Consultant James Casserly and proceed with the <br />establishment of the Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District within this <br />project area, such area to be defined by the Planner, Planning Commission and <br />Financial Consultant to best serve the redeveloprnent needs of the City. Motion <br />carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Mayor Sather stated the Planning Commission re=rrunendations 2 and 5, would be <br />accomplished with the creation of a Community Development Commission; suggested <br />. staff advertise for volunteers on the Cable TV Channel and in the Town Crier <br />publication. He further suggested a total of seven members be appointed, with <br />three appointments from the Planning Cormnission and the remainder from resiclents <br />or business persons in the eomrnuni ty. Sather reconunended the appointments be made <br />at the July 9 Regular Council Meeting, to all"", time for interested persons to <br />contact staff. <br /> <br />Council1nernbers con=ed with the Mayor's recommendations and suggested that <br />persons employed in the conununity should also be considered for appointment; <br />should not be lwted only to residents or rosiness owners. <br /> <br />Council1nernber Growe pointed out that Council has not addressed the fact creation <br />of the Community Development Commission will create additional time demands on <br />city staff by attendance at meetings and clerical support. <br /> <br />'Ihe Clerk Administrator elaborated on additional demands which will be placed on <br />existing staff. <br /> <br />COUNCIL a::MMENTS <br />NORm RII:GE APrS. <br />CONI'INENTAL DEI/IPMr. <br /> <br />Councillnernber Malone questioned the status of the <br />North Ridge apartment development; also asked if the <br />PUD has an expiration deadline. <br /> <br />Planner Bergly stated the PUD application process contains extension provisions. <br /> <br />Council requested staff contact the developer to obtain a status report. <br /> <br />S01EDULE EVAllJATION Malone moved, seconded by Growe, to schedule a Council <br />PARK OIR. BUCKLEY meeting on Monday, 6/25/90, at 6:30 p.m., at City Hall, <br />for the purp::>se of a six-month performance evaluation for <br />Park Director John Buckley and requested the Clerk Administrator provide Council <br />the appropriate evaluation fonus. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />