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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> ' COUNTV OF RAMSEY <br /> CITY OF ARQEM HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 287 <br /> AN ORDINANCE IMPOSINfi A RESIDENTIAC <br /> RECYCLIM(i FEE. <br /> The Arden Hi1Fs City Council hereby ord8ins that At: <br /> ticle IY, Sections 11-30 to 11-35 are heteby adtled to <br /> Chapter 11 of the Arden HiNs City Code to read as <br /> tollows: . <br /> IV. Rssldentlal Raeyclln9 Ssrvlee Fee. <br /> 11-30. Purpose and Intent. Consiatent with thd <br /> policies expressed in the Minnesota Waste Manage- <br /> ment Act (MS 115A), the City ot Arden Hills hes im- <br /> plemeMed a curbside recyclin9 Pro9ram for aN reaiden- <br /> tial dwelling units within the Ciry. Although other <br /> sources ot funding will be used when available, the Giry <br /> Council hes determined that tha economic viabflity of <br /> the City's residential cwbside rpcycling program ati'& <br /> the uttimate benefits resuMing tlierefrom require the irta <br /> position of a resideMiel recycling service fee. <br /> 11-31. Impositbn ol Fae. Except as herein provi4 <br /> ed, a residential recycling service tee is hereby imposed <br /> on the owners of all residentiaUy xcupied property <br /> within the Ctty. The owners of muRiple lemily dwellit,% <br /> and the owner ol the manufactured home park may be ekempt from guoh fee upon furnishing proof, in a min- <br /> ner satisfactory to the City Administrator, that sUch <br /> owners have coMrected for a collection o1 recyclabk <br /> materials by a collector other Man the City designaied <br /> cWlector. Proof ot such alternate service shell be suk- <br /> mitted nv later than July 15, 7982, and shall indicate <br /> that a contract has been entered iMO for the succeeding <br /> calentlar year. The total number of resiilentiel dweU- <br /> ing units less the totel number of exempt residential <br /> tlwelling units, shall hereinatter be referred to as Jhe <br /> totaV number of assessable residentigl dwelling units. <br /> 71-32. Computatbn of Fee. Before August 31,1992, ' <br /> the City Administrator shall defermine the succeediftg <br /> years estimated budget for the collection of recyclaqlP <br /> materials for residential dwellings and the total numbdr <br /> of assessable residentiel dxrelling units within the-Gi- ty. The proposed residential recyciing service fee foS <br /> each assesseble resitlential dwelling unit shall not eX <br /> ceed an amount equal to the unfunded porlbn of flke <br /> estimated recycling budget divided by the lotal numbqr <br /> of assessaWe resideMial dwelling units within the Ci- <br /> ry. Unles.s otherwise exempted, owners of multlple tami- <br /> lydwelllingsaliall be charged a recycling tee tor each <br /> dweNing unA within a multiple family structure_ UnIe5~5 . <br /> otberwlse exempted, the Owner of the manufactured . . <br /> home park shall be charged a recycling fee for eac,h <br /> lot within.the manufactured home park. <br /> 11-33. /lnnual Revlew. The residential recycling ser- <br /> - vice ige shall be reviewed end approved annually by ths City CounciL a <br /> 1134. Collectfon ol Fse. The City may facilhate t11e <br /> collection of the residential recycting service fee by ; <br /> agreement with Ramsey County to include such fee on <br /> the real estate tax statement for individual or multipfe ; <br /> family dwAlling units. In the aRernatWe, residential ; <br /> recyeling service fee statements shall be mailed to pro- ' <br /> ; pertyowners on or before April 15th, and shall bg~ <br /> ;payaWe no leler than July 15th of eaCh year.-A penalpy <br /> ~ ec{ual to 10Wo of the amount due shall be added to-doGA- ! <br /> quent accounts. <br /> 11-35. CertNicatlon of Dellnqueqt Accounts. EaCh <br /> year, the City Administratorshall prepare a.list of def(h- <br /> quent resitlential recycling service fee accounts, ih- <br /> cluding accrued penaHfes thereon, in the form ot an <br /> assessmeM roll. On or before OMOber 1stof each y@ar, the City Council shall review the delinquent residen- . <br /> tial recycling fee assessment roll arW adopt an ap- j <br /> propriate resolution certi(ying the delinqueM accouMs <br /> to the Counry Audiror es a lien 9gainst the real proper- ty served and further direcGng that the County AuditQr . collect theassessment"as part ol the ensuing yeaf`s' <br /> tax levy. All delinqueM residentiel recyding service fee assessmeMS shall bear interest, at a rate determined by Couocil resolutiorY, from the date on which 1hB <br /> resolution Is adqpted until DeCember 31 of the fWlow- ing year. <br /> EHeciive Date. This ordinance shall become effea tive on the 10th day of June, 1992. <br /> Adoption Dete. Passetl by the City Council of t11ia <br /> City of Arden Hills the 26(h day of May; 1992. <br /> /g/ Thomas Sathqr <br /> , MayloT. <br /> ATTEST: /s/ Catherine lago <br /> Actirtg Clerk <br /> (Bulletin: June 10, 1892) <br />