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PC 04-03-2002
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2002
PC 04-03-2002
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 3, 2002 4 <br /> . Stewart Haglund, 1 I91 Karth Lake Drive, stated he opposed this proposal. He indicatcd <br /> while Pilgrim House had always been a good neighbor, when they had asked for <br /> expansion a few ycars ago, the neighbors did not rcalize that this new expansion would <br /> be used for a daycare. He stated all of his neighbors, as well as himsclf, were retired and <br /> intended on staying in their homes and he stated when there were children in the area, <br /> therc would be a lot of noise. He expressed concern about the hours of operation, <br /> especial1y with it starting at 6:00 a.m, He stated daycares were a commercial business <br /> and he stated this area was not zoned for a commercial business. Hc stated he opposed a <br /> commercial business in his backyard. He expressed concern about this eventually being a <br /> full-time daycare at some point in the future and the Church moving to a different <br /> facility. He asked the Commission to consider thcse concerns. <br /> Donald Kelley, 1181 Karth Lake Drive, stated he opposed this proposal for thc same <br /> reasons as previously expressed. He indicated the reason a daycare was in existence was <br /> to make money and he believed this was a commercial business and a commercial <br /> busincss should not be in a rcsidential area, He stated he was concerned about fencing as <br /> wel1 as tbe noise issues previously noted. <br /> Jane Hoffmeister, 1201 Karth Lake Drive, stated she opposed this proposal for the same <br /> reasons as previously statcd, She indicated the way the Church property was laid out was <br /> such that their proposcd play area would be in her backyard, She stated it was a very <br /> narrow area between their parking lot and hcr backyard. She expressed concern about the <br /> number of children and thc noise that would occur. Sbe stated fencing was a very big <br /> . issue and a liability issue if children were injured in her yard. She indicated having a <br /> daycare facility of this size, would have an affect on their property values. She stated this <br /> would be a detriment for anyone interestcd in purchasing the property in the futLlTe. She <br /> urgcd the Commission to consider these conccrns as they made their decision. <br /> Ann Lima, Pilgrim lIouse, stated they responded to this request to have a daycare center <br /> because they thought they would bc providing a public service to the cOlllmunity. She <br /> stated Ms. Carlson would pay $400.00 rent per month. She indicatcd they did not have <br /> an idea of how many children would be in the space, whether it be 12 or 20. She stated <br /> she could understand what the neighbors concerns were and could sympathize wi th those <br /> conccrns. However, she indicated the cbildrcn would not be out much during the day and <br /> they would always be supervised. She stated the hours of operation of the daycare would <br /> be from 7:15 a,m. through 5:30 p.m. She stated there would also he minimal traffic <br /> involved. She stated shc did not believe it would be as bad of a proposal as the neighbors <br /> belicvcd it was, <br /> Sharon Lane, Lino Lakes, statcd the Church was only used a couple of hours on Sundays, <br /> and shc stated she believed most churches had things going on during the week also. She <br /> indicated she did not belicvc this was an unreasonable request. She stated the Church <br /> tried to bc a good neighbor and she believed this wonld be a win-win situation, <br /> Commissioner Zilllmerman asked if this was going to be a revenue generator for the <br /> . Church. Ms. Lane replied this was one of the intents, as well as using a building that was <br /> not used cxcept on the weekcnds. <br /> Commissioncr GaIatowitsch askcd the ages of the children that vvould bc in the daycarc <br /> facility. Ms, Lima replied tbe agcs would be 33 months to the beginning of Kindergarten. <br />
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