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PC 05-01-2002
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2002
PC 05-01-2002
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 1,2002 4 <br /> , Commissioner Galatowitsch stated therc were certain critcria required in order for a street <br /> vacation, and requested staff to indicate what that criteria was. Mr. Parrish replied the <br /> main criterion was if the City did not have a need for the road anymore. Hc stated <br /> vacations were something that the Plalllling Commission would look at. He indicated he <br /> would provide updated information with respect to the vacation requirements. <br /> Commissioner Zimmennan stated two other conditions should be thc City Council <br /> approving vacation of Fernwood and thc approval of the vacation of the easement along <br /> Femwood because without those two items happening, thc two parcels could not be <br /> consolidated. Mr. Pamsh agrced and indicted this was an oversight on his part <br /> Commissioner Lemberg stated utility easements would need to be retained. Mr. Parrish <br /> replied that was correct. <br /> Commissioner Lembcrg also agreed with Chair Sand that thc traffic study needed to be <br /> looked at before the Commission could make any decisions, <br /> Chair Sand rcquested staff research if this was consistcnt with the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Chair Sand asked if applicants wallted to give a presentation. <br /> J olm Larson and Judd Brasch, RSP Architects; Dave Reimer of Guidant; Dan Riehle of <br /> Guidant; David Abbey of Parsons Engineering; and John Krausserl of Rehder <br /> I Engineering. <br /> Mr. Larson gave a presentation of Guidant's proposal. He stated they wanted to initiate a <br /> workgroup within the next two weeks consisting ofresidcnts of Arden Hills, Arden Hills <br /> staff, representatives of the City of Shoreview, County Representatives, Guidant staff, <br /> etc. to look at the traffic issues, <br /> Mr. Abbcy stated the traffic study ranged all of the way from Highway 96 to Interstate <br /> 694 and looked at the year 2025 as well as the current year. He stated they were finishing <br /> up on the future year issues at this time, He gavc a brief presentation on Guidant's <br /> proposal regarding the traffic, <br /> Commissioner Lemberg asked if there would be split work shifts. Mr. Larson replied <br /> Guidant had three shifts and the traffic varied at diffcrent times. <br /> C01111nissioner Zimmerman expressed concern about the increase of traffic on Lexington <br /> Avenue if the Guidant facility was full with 8,000 cars. Hc asked how many cars were <br /> able to exit per cycle and how many cycles would it take to exit all of the vchicles. Mr. <br /> Abbey replied they had not figured this out yet, but he believed all of the vehicles would <br /> be cycled out within an hour. <br /> Mr. Larson pointed out that Lexington Avenue was not the only access that would be <br /> . used. There were other accesses to get in and out of the facility. Mr. Larson stated they <br /> wanted to work with the neighbors regarding traffic. He stated it was incumbent upon <br /> Guidant to use the best access off of the campus. He indicated the traffic study they had <br /> tied to the PuTI and the numbers they reached were a worse case senario. <br />
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