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<br /> . <br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 1,2006 2 <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A. PLANNING CASE NO. 06-005: MINOR SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCE. . <br /> RICHARD KOTOSKI. 2015 THOM DRIVE <br /> Mr. Lehnhaff statcd applicants were requesting a minor subdivision to split a ,70 acre <br /> (approximately 30,500 square feet) parcel into two properties in the R-2 Single and Two- <br /> Family Residential Zone, The applicant is alsa requesting a variance for propased Parcel <br /> B to be 81 feet wide, which is less than the minimum 85-foat width for interiar lats in the <br /> R-2 Zone. The applications are contingent upon approval .of each other. The applicant <br /> has submitted a letter stating the reasan for the hard~pJ:l!;nd subsequent variance, He <br /> reviewed his analysis and stated staff recammend~"Faenlaj .of the variance and minor <br /> subdivision due to the lack of hardship and subsequ~1Jt inability to create two conforming <br /> lats, The property daes nat have any unique circunr~~':lJ1cesIthat warrant a variance from <br /> the subdivisian .ordinance and reasonable use exists'in.j'IiitS'cUlTent state, While the four <br /> faot difference in lat width in this particular case i~,F.\1i'iJi~ely ta produce a significant <br /> negative affect an the adjacent properties or the City asJ,"'{pqje, staff is concerned that <br /> allawing the creation of a ncw non-conforming lot would se~Fp.o(lf precedent for future <br /> minor subdivisian applications, <br /> Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 7:07 p,m, <br /> Chair Sand invited anyane for or against the request ta come farward and make <br /> camment. . <br /> Richard Kataski, applicant, stated the size .of the praperty was sufficient as far as the <br /> building foqt~a~S:~~~)~~llBelievedthat creating twa new single-family hames would be a <br /> benefitJ2.t.hei1ei:gli]j~rllgqI1. He notedJhe existing structure needed quite a bit .of repair. <br /> He il1.diC'ated the railraadj~~~!a the sauthand this develapment wauld nat be a detriment <br /> ta tlieneighbaring properlj~sW"He stated he would prefer ta put twa single-family hames <br /> >', ;,,;'1,,>, <br /> i~lFtlli~area instead .of a twi!ffill~bme, He believed they cauld meet all .of the requircments <br /> tacanstlr\lct a twin home in~q'uired, <br /> ,.,_.',.....'....c ..."....", <br /> c.....".........,,'__ .. <br /> 'iy. _'.'.," <br /> Chair S1l.ll~:fIii)(cd if theiIlli!l1tentian wauld be ta tear dawn all .of the buildings an the lat <br /> and rebuilalJw.ol1fw h.9flles, Mr. Kataski respanded affirmatively, <br /> ii;m~~~I~~i!;;"- <br /> Walt Tarkildson;1,,201O Tham Drive, stated he was cancerned abaut the develapment .of <br /> large, manstroug'hames, He indicatcd the lat was originally meant Jor one hamc, not <br /> twa, He stated privacy was why they purchased their hame and they wanted ta keep it <br /> that way, He nated ncw homes .of this style wauld nat fit inta the existing neighbarhoad, <br /> He stated the road was very narraw earning araund the curve and the hames were <br /> "crammed" in the area the way it was and it was "ridiculaus" ta build twa largc homes, <br /> He indicatcd the way they are gaing ta build the hames, he wauld be looking at the side <br /> of the hame and nat the frant, and loaking at a side .of a hame was nat acceptable, He <br /> exprcssed concern abaut the increase .of traffic in the neighbarhoad. He statcd the lat was <br /> . <br />