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CCP 10-14-1997
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CCP 10-14-1997
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<br />.. '11\ <br /> i,'1 <br /> -_--,l' <br />I ., _..,~ <br /> ~~ <br /> - CITY OF ARDEN HILLS lo}\'-d"r] <br />I <br /> MEMORANDUM <br />I DATE: October 14, 1997 <br /> TO: Mayor and City Council . <br />. FROM: K",i. Ri."",,'d, Comm..,ily Dw"npm~t Di"ct"' V <br />I SUBJECT: <br /> Planning Case #97-06, Welsh Companies, Progress Update <br />I Back~round <br /> Thc City Council approved moving forward with the Wclsh Dcvelopment proposal at its <br /> Scptcmbcr 22 and 29,1997 mectings. Thc following is a briefupdatc on thc itcms still <br />I outstanding. Staff has also enclosed a copy of recent correspondence from Welsh indicating its <br /> position on several items. <br />I Plannin!! Case #97-06. Outstanding Conditions <br /> The thirty-two (32) conditions referenced to in the action taken by the Council are identified <br /> below. <br />.e 1. No issuance of occupancy permits for that part of the projcct (Phases II, Ill, and IV) <br />I greater than 200,000 square feet until such time that the rclocated Round Lake Road is <br /> open for traffic and capable of accepting increascd traffic. <br /> 2. Compliance with the approval ofthc Rice Crcck Watershcd District. <br />. 3. Approval of and compliance with an NPDES permit by the MPCA. <br /> 4. Compliance with the City Engineer's lctter dated June 24,1997. <br /> 5. The smallest amount of bare ground is exposcd for as short a time as feasible. <br />. 6. Temporary ground cover, such as mulch, is used and permanent ground cover, such as <br /> sod, is established. <br /> 7. Methods to prevent erosion and trap scdiments are cmployed. <br />I 8. Fill is stabilized to accepted engineering standards, approved by the City Engineer. <br /> 9. Approval of and compliance with wetland permits by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. <br /> 10. Modification oflandscapc plan to provide the required landscape material. <br />1 11. Provision of low profilc rooftop units paintcd to match thc building's exterior and located <br /> such that they will be screened to prevent direct viewing from the public's right-of-way. <br /> 12. Compliance with the lighting requirements ofthe Zoning Ordinance. <br />I 13. Modification of the building's exteriors (Phasc II, III, and IV) as outlined in Findings- <br /> Variancc #5, items 2-13. <br /> 14. Provision of thc nccessary drainage and utility eascments on the plat. <br />I 15. Payment and/or dedication of park land as recommended by the Parks and Recreation <br /> Director. <br />.- <br />I <br />
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