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<br /> '" I <br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - DECEMBER 4. 1996 2 I <br /> .. <br /> Single Family Residential District. In January of 1993, the City approved a minor subdivision <br /> affecting Tracts A and B. This original request split an existing parcel into two tracts, Tract A I <br /> was combined with the property to its south (1585 Lake Johanna Boulevard) and Tract B which <br /> was to allow for the construction of a future single family home. The applicant is now requesting <br /> approval from the city to further split the original Tract B into proposed Tracts Band C, thereby I <br /> allowing the exchange. The applicant is also requesting the merger of the proposed Tracts Band <br /> D which will provide the owner of Tract B with access to Lake Johanna Boulevard as required in <br /> the January 11, 1993, resolution. I <br /> Mr. Ringwald reviewed that a condition of Planning Case 92-23 required that access to Tract B <br /> be provided by the private drive (Tract D) which was owned by Ramsey County. Subsequently, I <br /> Ramsey County required the applicant to swap equitable portions ofland before they would <br /> allow access to Tract B. The applicant's current request facilitates that swap of land between <br /> Ramsey County and the applicant. He clarified the applicant is attempting to carry out I <br /> requirements of the original lot split. <br /> Mr. Ringwald reviewed the staff report regarding lot area, depth, and width of each tract and I <br /> conditions required since the subject property is located in the Shoreland Management area. He <br /> advised Staff recommends approval of Planning Case #96-21, minor subdivision (lot split/lot <br /> consolidation) subject to the following conditions: ~ <br /> 1. Compliance with the conditions of Planning Case 92-23; I <br /> 2. Transfer of Tract C to Ramsey County so that it may be incorporated into Tony Schmidt <br /> Park; <br /> 3. Combination of Tract Band D into a single parcel; I <br /> 4. The smallest amOlmt of bare ground is exposed for as short a time as feasible; <br /> 5. Temporary ground cover, such as mulch, is used and permanent ground cover, such as <br /> sod, is established; I <br /> 6. Methods to prevent erosion and trap sediments are employed; <br /> 7. Fill is stabilized to accepted engineering standards, approved by the city engineer; <br /> 8. Provision of an erosion and sediment control plan v.,ith the building permit for Tract B, I <br /> for review and approval by the City Engineer; and <br /> 9. Construction of utilities to service Tract B shall be accomplished in a manner that will <br /> ensure full access to all parcels which have vehicular access onto Tract D. I <br /> It was noted if the Planning Commission makes a recommendation on this Planning Case, it I <br /> would be heard at the Monday, December 30, 1996, regular meeting of the City Council. <br /> Chair Erickson asked for comments for the proposal. No one came forward. I <br /> Chair Erickson asked for comments against the proposal. <br /> .. <br /> I <br />