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<br /> I . <br /> . ARDEN HlLLS PLA1'\'NING COMMISSION - DECEMBER 4~ 1996 3 <br /> {' Charles Broach, 1600 Oak Avenue, stated he was not notified of the hearing tonight by mailed <br /> . notice but received a telephone call from the previous owner. He asked if Tract A is a buildable <br /> lot. Mr. Ringwald answered that it is approximately one-half an acre and if access and utilities <br /> are provided for, it would appear to be buildable. <br /> . Mr. Broach asked if the community is concerned about providing emergency vehicle access to <br /> these five lots. He advised the current driveway is quite narrow and asked ifit will become a <br /> . City street to assure adequate access. Mr. Ringwald explained that this was not required in 1992 <br /> and, at that time, it was determined a private drive was sufficient to provide access to those <br /> parcels. It was noted that this request is not creating an additional lot. Mr. Broach suggested a <br /> . requirement for public access be placed at this time. <br /> No one else came forward to address this item. <br /> . Hearing no further comment, Chair Erickson closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br /> . Commissioner Larson noted that Tract A already contains a house and to construct an additional <br /> house, an additional subdivision would be required. <br /> Ie Mr. Ringwald noted the Council, as part of the original subdivision, placed a condition that a <br /> sketch would need to be submitted that meets the long term goals of the property, including <br /> . access. <br /> Commissioner Carlson stated the access is currently private, or a communal driveway. Mr. <br /> . Ringwald stated this is correct. <br /> Dan Ashbach, 1580 Oak Avenue, applicant, explained this issue is really between the City of <br /> . Arden Hills and Ramsey County. He reviewed the history of this property which is owned by his <br /> elderly mother and her desire to split and consolidate the property to provide Ramsey County <br /> with their requested property and so Tract B has a driveway. <br /> . Darlene Obbarius, 1619 Lake Johanna Boulevard, stated she lives adjacent to the easements <br /> . and originally the driveway came into her yard. She stated Ramsey County said a driveway <br /> could not be extended. Mr. Ashbach explained this has been negotiated with Ramsey County. <br /> . Commissioner Larson asked Mr. Ashbach ifhis mother intends to provide access to the other <br /> existing parcels on the private drive. Mr. Ashbach stated he does not know but assumes that is <br /> the plan. <br /> I Commissioner Carlson stated this issue was discussed with the first subdivision and he had the <br /> it impression that the access would serve all the existing parcels. <br /> . <br /> -- <br />