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<br /> ----.----- - <br /> --- <br />~~v 'I <br />Date: February 5, 1997 1 <br />To: Planning Commission .. <br />From: Lois Rem, 1670 Glenview Court <br />Re: Ogren Development & Archaeological Issues - Background . <br /> In the early stages of this development, a group of residents <br />petitioned city council for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet of I <br />the site (March 22, 1995) . Council agreed because, at that time, <br />the development's storm water retention pond was to drain into <br />valentine Lake (Council minutes, 4/10/95) , One of the EAIV' s <br />standard questions is: [26J "Are any of the following resources on 1 <br />or in proximity to the site: la) archeological, historical, or <br />architectural resources?" EAW guidelines require all questions be <br />answered. Since no one was aware of any "archeological resources" I <br />at the site, RLK Associates, the firm contracted by the city to <br />prepare the EAW, contacted the state historical society to see if <br />they had any relevant information. The EAW prepared by RLK I <br />summarizes: <br /> The Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) reviewed records o f the I <br /> site area. The review yielded no reported historical or <br /> archaeological properties in the project's area of potential <br /> effect. (See Attachment 4) However, MHS recommended that an <br /> archaeological survey of the project area be completed. This .. <br /> is because of the site's location near a lake and the <br /> topography of the site. Settlements ar-e known in this region <br /> of the state to be found on hilltops overlooking water bodies. 1 <br /> The MHS recommendation is just that-- a recommendation-- and <br /> has no authority to mandate site resea!:'ch. (EAW p. 14 ) <br /> The referenced Attachment 4 is a letter from MHS to RLK dated I <br />June 12, 1995, stating in part: "we believe that there is a good <br />probability that unreported properties may be present. Therefore, . <br />we recommend that a survey 0 f the project area be completed." A <br />list of suggested consultants was attached. On August 14, 1995, MHS <br />wrote directly to the city, again recommending a survey be done. I <br />When no official seemed inclined to pursue this recommendation, a <br />resident contacted a recommended consultant (from the U of MN) who <br />visited the site and drew up a preliminary proposal for a modest 4- <br />week survey to be accomplished for around $900. This information I <br />was forwarded to the city. As you are aware, no survey ',;as ever <br />done. <br /> I bring this information to your attention to correct a recent I <br />"mis-recollection" of this site's recent history. It was not the <br />residents who "dragged in Indian relics"-- the issue was raised in I <br />the context of the city's request for an EAW and at the repeated <br />request of the MHS. .. <br /> . <br />