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<br />-- --------- .~ <br />-2() .~ <br />~ Fact Sheet <br /> THE ROLE OF THE RAMSEY COUNTY <br /> WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGE .- <br /> - <br />The Evolution of a Successful Waste Manae:ement Svstem - <br />In the past 16 years, Ramsey County has moved from an almost total reliance on landfills for waste disposal to - <br />an integrated system of reduction, recycling, composting, and resource recovery. We currently recover almost I <br />80% of our trash for recycling or energy, land filling far less than we did in the early 1980's. This integrated <br />system is environmentally superior to land disposal, because it protects the environment by preventing or <br />reducing pollution, recovering energy, and conserving natural resources. I <br />The accomplishment of achieving an environmentally sound waste management system is due in part to the <br />Ramsey/Washington County Resource Recovery Facility in Newport, MN. That facility was developed in 1986 - <br />following State mandates to reduce the amount of waste placed in landfills, in order to protect public health and <br />the environment. Ramsey and Washington Counties have a contract with Northern States Power Company to - <br />operate the Resource Recovery Facility. ~ <br /> - <br />The Resource Recovery Facility is one ofthe most successful resource recovery systems in the U.S. Since - <br />1987, almost 3,000,000 tons of waste has been processed, creating fuel that has generated over 1.4 billion - <br />kilowatts of electricity. Had this waste not been processed for fuel, a landfill covering about 30 acres, 100 feet <br />deep, would have been needed. - <br /> l <br />WMSC Backe:round .1 <br />The Waste Management Service Charge (WMSC) has appeared on Ramsey County property tax statements <br />since 1986. Commercial properties fall into one of three categories depending upon the volume of waste I <br />generated at the property. <br />The WMSC funds collected from commercial property taxpayers for 1986 through 1989 paid for solid waste I <br />planning, technical assistance to businesses and local governments, ordinance enforcement expenses, and <br />operating expenses related to the Resource Recovery Facility. From 1990 through 1993, the Resource <br />Recovery Facility component was not included in the WMSC, because operating expenses were fully recovered I <br />by tipping fees charged at the Facility. <br />Chane:es in 1994 - 1995 I <br />In 1994, Ramsey and Washington Counties reduced the tipping fee that is charged to waste haulers for <br />delivering waste to the Resource Recovery Facility, from $66.79 per ton to $50.00 per ton. This action was I <br />taken following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that modified the ability of local government to require by <br />ordinance that garbage be taken to a specific facility. Reducing the tipping fee was one way to assure that <br />garbage from Ramsey County would continue to be processed in an environmentally sound manner. It also I <br />created the need to collect revenue from a source other than the tipping fee to pay for waste processing. <br />From April through December of 1994, waste haulers were required by law to collect and remit to the Counties I <br />a Resource Recovery Service Charge (RRSC). The RRSC was charged to each waste customer based on the <br />waste volume collected. In 1995, Ramsey County determined that the funds for resource recovery services .. <br />could be more efficiently collected by the County through the WMSC, as had been done in 1986 through 1989. <br /> . <br />