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<br /> 4. The proposed use will not affect the permanent population density of the <br /> . neighborhood. <br /> 5. While the extcrior will be upgraded, the changes will be compatible with existing <br /> uses and structures in the surrounding properties_ <br /> 6. The park dedication fee does not apply. <br /> 7. If higher education is approved as a special use in Planning Case 06-015, then this <br /> use will be in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed use does <br /> not conflict with the Comprehensive Development Plan. <br /> Resident Comments <br /> Staff has not receivcd any letters or telephone calls from property owncrs or occupants in regard <br /> to this planning case. <br /> Staff Recommendation <br /> In Planning Case #06-016, Staffrecommends approval of the Special Use Permit based on the <br /> findings of fact and subject to the following four conditions: <br /> I. The building shall not cxceed it maximum occupancy at any timc. <br /> 2. Construction shall not begin without the appropriate permits. <br /> 3. Any outdoor signage shall rcquire an approved sign permit. <br /> . 4. If the parking lot is unable to accommodate the parking needs of the building, the <br /> applicant shall incrcasc the number of parking stalls to mect the City's parking <br /> requirements through the site plan review process. <br /> Options <br /> I. Recommcnd approval as submitted. <br /> 2. Recommend approval with conditions. <br /> 3. Recommend denial with reasons for denial. If thc City denies the petitioners request, <br /> " . . .it must state in writing the reasons for the denial at the time it denies the rcquest." <br /> 4. Table for additional information. <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> Planning Commission lllfeetingfor l'v/ay 3,2006 <br /> . \\\ardenhills\Planning\Planning Cases\2006\06-0J6 1212 LLC Special Use Permit tor Higher Education\042006 PC repon- <br /> 121211c SUP.doc Page 5 of6 <br />