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<br /> 06/04/97 U:JO FAX 7855699 NSC I4i 008/016 <br /> I' .-... _. <br /> [ fY..... a IT A <br /> ~. 7./1.f <br /> ~ tHlA~ill"~~litytl> "'lVl'-"'Y{eJ-:mv~ <br /> I .t: such . as.' 1 0 fan1l1'empmvidf!hnnt1""~"'r <br /> In additioD mclllOtiD J1mfV"'~" aftfteJ'.)fl"',..AMr......~ tLc ~t!!; <br /> ~:rM~~tv;;:~.~~ <br /> I . ," IIa. ofrhe dmIm ...""""'''' ...""""" to Itllhe <br /> pre . rpar.a~h." <br /> 2. Paragraph In. E. 1. c. is ......ndP.d to read as fnnn"',~7 <br /> I "c. Bndfet- <br /> MASC .w.n ~--abmiI a proposed annual hndget O'....;,.aftft refo:md to as <br /> the . AImu4l B~:a. to die Doard llI: ~l120 days before die bcgIDalnr nf <br /> I a new caleudaryear ezejftalret~to asthc "FJ:I;W YCilf"). SUch <br /> Aiwulll BlIdiet sbsII illd1l4e 811 hnarly mre (tile .~ Hourly Rsre") <br /> to be dultpl fOr ice $~ r; at akvc1sudllhat pIOjeaed GuaranrbM <br /> .Ket:ltal. 'nrnt'IYI bIlK tM 1n'tInllDt of ~v pmicctod CO"t'W':lsion Mld <br /> I ~ ((ev!!nllfl!t ::I!i: tL!fInM ;" "'''f~ Finaa~ A.atIIIfIo~t <br /> QI'DoI!'r MASC. Anon S:OUlln' alllllhc An~ka County Hnncirtlt' :mil <br /> "'''''''''eIqp_nt Anthmn;y d3tM M,,-v n. 1 <J')7 Wnfi""11v nbll:J='l Qy <br /> MASC for.lhe ,;.....1 vea. itrta.M.i. 1IIiU ~ adeq_ to pay all ~ng <br /> I Expenses, lIS dcfiac:d below, and Bouu:E&peIISCS fort!le foUOw!llgl"iscal <br /> 'Y E'!l11". In .,III/lion. the AIlnaal budget sbllll establish tCD!.1l ~ ror its <br /> liillI: lIbove and beyoncl tile 10.400 Gn31'!lllteeil Rental Houn ( "OffPerak <br /> RenlaI Rarcs ") which $hoIl be sufficieul w produce IIlcome !rom sucb off <br /> I peaIr:_talllSasear1easte.taal colbe30<litinapl ~~lfanY, <br /> llIlliUibutable to sueh off peak usa.,<<e. }On!' P1l1pOses of this <br /> Agrcement, "0pc:raIing ~-es. sballbe lJeline4 as all costS of op""'l'lftg <br /> aDd mainrai:JWIg the Facility, including the fuaurc$llIld . m=l Rqaimi <br /> .. Ihcn:fote. and aIlllcposits required tn npetlltiDg reserves;bJ; shall not <br /> indndc lh<. costs of pmmoOoo and.~ .",.(;n.riqn of spcdaI eveors In tile <br /> fadli1y spousored orOT!:""l""A by Or on bcbaIf ofMASC. If~ 10int <br /> BWIll. cjerP....;ft., that the OperllIing F.rl""'ses are not masOJlably necessaxy <br /> I to OJleralC!be ~ m.,."dM, !he 1uwLB=d may olllea to rile <br /> pmllOsM budget at 60 days prior to the begilllling of II IlCW Fiscal <br /> y=. Ifthe1ointBoard does not llI1ceac:n0l\ 10 Oi!jecl:tDtbeproposed <br /> OperacUlg ~ orithin GO daJs priur w lht: IIeW :f'b;gil Year, the <br /> I OpEnliQg Expenses lUlcl the Amluol Budget shall be dc=cd to be y,PNftG <br /> by lbe Join!: Boatd. IIId dI8 Guar.lnl'eet1 Helmy.a- for the F'lSClll ear <br /> shall be "~-'''''''-d Ii) be approved. lIllhc eveut tbat MASC 8IId the Boaal. are <br /> Wlable Ii) agtee after all paMeS b4ve tIJllde their best effotts. the question of <br /> I ~leues6 oft!le budget ,hall be submitted 10 binding arbitcition with <br /> lh<. 0fIice of Altcmalive Dilipllll; &.wllllion in the Swe Bun:au of <br /> MedialiOIl SetViCilS. The proposed Amlual BlIcIgct, lIl1d the Gucu:llDII:el1 <br /> HolltlY Rate lncInded thereill. Sl'Iall be in effect as of the first day of the <br /> I Fiscal Yearin thec:vtllL tIJllI.~y lItbi.twioJI.bereunderis not compleled a. of <br /> the ~ of the FiSCIl!. Y=_ MASC mcmben on the loinr Bwnl ~hal1 <br /> DOtbc permined to V1)1? on tIleAImual Budget as board rnembeG." <br /> I 3. Pangraph mB. sllllll be _~,to add II pilIlI;APh 5 1ll read; <br /> "S ("'nnfT::llm Dr nlhcr use::urrnemenm hv the ~ ~rn fur tee <br /> I :-;=~ ":=::==~:'~~":=~tnl~ <br /> d....tPr7n:n-dlallhcCC11'b'3t:tDr ~ tw! a~nr wnnTtI h"vp' sa". ;:Irlvfl'.lV! <br /> I I'lrM A" o.oltJtnenllO Ma$'ler AQreen1If1l JtJne 4. 19;7VarsiQn <br /> ,. <br /> I <br />