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<br />78--699 "SC r.!I009/016 <br />06/04/97 14: 30 FA.! "., _ <br />I: . .-.- ,- eAHIGIT A <br />I ~ <br /> <br />. impact: on the "'r~Aft\pt nRnltl': of an.. bonds issued by Anok3 ~ the <br />I ~=o;ooft~~~~~:"t,:: ;;:R~:'~;;' <br /> <br />Jifcon 1aIb1d1 Jhe radlrrv;~ l~. .. <br /> <br />I 4. 1'anIpph m. G. 1.0 sba11 bo IlRll:I1Ckd to ft:ad; <br /> <br />(e) All GwlPI,f-u RemallDcome aIld Off.PeR/(, .~ 1Dcome and any <br />proceeds ofbllSiDess inteauption iDsutaacc (and to lhc c;~ of any shonfalls, any <br />I ollter ICYelIue.<i adVllnced by MASC pursuant to p=pph ee) sball be applied in the <br />faUowiq o1deJ: of priutity: (1) 1IIOlli:b!y Pa.rrnent Tn ~, TIU_lIll4e.: tbio SOlId <br />Do~15 of 1/6 of tho 1Ic:a.t iDt=.It~)1IlelIt aud 1IU for tIJc 11m priDdpal <br />payment flip tIP-hr seMce On m., bonds; (2) ,mouthIy J.l"-)'1t'lcnt to 1he Trus= 1IIIlb' <br />I the DoDd noc...."'nlS for 1'llSlOI3Ilon oflhe dehT SeMCe resel'Ve faad for the BOG&, <br />if --.-.ty; (3) mollThly ~t .U~ ,gOO Lu lhlo Ttustee 1III4er dlc Bond ' <br />Docama.IS tor deposit to ~impn>v_trcscr<c bcld ~ the TIllS" .....t. <br /> <br />I ~!w~%l~~:SFa:~M7re:;~': <br /> <br />and Is '1ll'r.""I",.d at SZ$o,OOO (4) the paytnc'.nl QfOpenl:i.Qg Cosl3 ~3c:iIity; <br />(5) tho Gl:CnmnlnriOQ of ill opeBtiD& C05l$l...:v.. to M IleId by MASC in the <br />I amnmll of $sou,OOO (live 1niDdn:d 1ho,us:md doll.Gts); (6) deposit to rhct=letll~1luu <br />fund uuda:lhc Bond ~ on Man:h , of. eacb. year of.y amounts not <br />applied ilUl""o:dllr1c:e -with StWpal1Iglapbs (1) Ihruudl (5) as oime end of previon~ <br />Fi~1 YeMfuc acm",,,l.hnll. in a bond NdemptiOIl. fund. FWlds in tb~ bond <br />I mden.vtiun fund may be used to cure deficienr.tes in subpaxapph (2) to tbe CXWlt <br />other xe.sene funcJs Ilt'C insl1fliQcot, or be llIlplied to die early redemption ofBon<k, <br />a. difP.t1t'./l by MASC with the CODCW1IO!lce of i\noIm ColZllty. <br /> <br /> <br />.. ~~:3re1r"llJUlY~-=~~ ' <br />m.' one Ill! bindin.r all of <br />the DlIlties hcr:cIo. notvJitbstllnd;n.. rIlsr all =1Ii'" are not &illll-.v \0 <br />orii:!'in31 or the ~ml!. eonntt:rnart <br /> <br />I . <br /> <br />Olmml~c;oner nf All'lllinistmlion <br />I ~ <br /> <br />CiIy ofMoll!ltl~ v_ <br />I ~ <br /> <br />Dare, <br />I c:ily of AnleD Hilts Dare <br /> <br />I ~- <br /> <br />Ciry of New BrighlDII. <br />I Dare <br /> <br /> <br />I F''''__,ll''_'AQteemIn! Ju.....'997V..."" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />it <br />I <br />